\10 on 10\ March

This month's 10 on 10 depicts a typical Saturday for us these days... \1\ up way too early2014-03-09_0001

\2\ watching TV on the big bed2014-03-09_0002

\3\ Nana and Grampa Ed came to see Emma do her thing at "mastics" 2014-03-09_0003

\4 & 5\ playing and rolling2014-03-09_0004

\6 & 7\ lunch time antics 2014-03-09_0005

\8\ up close and personal with my sleepy guy (hand held self portrait)2014-03-09_0006

\9\ wheeeeee!2014-03-09_0007

\10\ dinner time tunes2014-03-09_0008

I’m joined in this project by a group of amazing photographers… head on over to Kyla's blog to see a day in her life, then continue around the circle until you end up back here!