Letters To My Daughter: November

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Oh, my sweet girl... it's been a difficult month so far. After months of debate, your daddy and I finally decided to move you to a different Montessori school. It's a great school, and much more in line with what we want and expect for your care and education (which we take very seriously!) We know that you'll love it in time, but in the short term the change has been really tough for you.


You've been acting out a lot and daddy and I haven't always reacted with the love and patience we know you need right now. Parents make mistakes, too, but I promise we're trying and we're going to try harder. We'll all get through this rough patch and things will go back to feeling happy and predictable.





Hang in there, buddy... you'll make new friends at school and things will start to feel more comfortable for you there. Until then, daddy and I will support you as best we can. We love you soooooo much, no matter what, and we're so immensely proud of the little girl you're becoming and what a fantastic big sister you are.


I am joined in this “Letters to our Children” blog circle by an amazing group of photographers and moms. Together, we’ll be writing these letters every month in honor of our love for our sons and daughters. I encourage you to head over to my sweet friend Carrie's blog to read her letter to her daughter.