You might think from this week's favorites that I've been holed up in my hotel room all week eating chocolate and reading chick lit, but I promise that's not the case... these all just really grabbed me for one reason or another. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
- The SISTERS photography assignment on Pioneer Woman - I love PW, I love her photography assignments, and I especially love my sister. She's been in South Africa the past two weeks and these photos make me miss her even more. Life is just lonelier without a sister to obsessively play Words with Friends with.
- No Big Dill's Love You Forever Skirt - While I love the Once Upon a Thread series, I love the book from this entry more than I love the skirt. I'd never heard of it before, but after reading this quote I will definitely be buying it to read to my baby: "I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be." Seriously... total goner. I can't even type those words without getting choked up by thoughts of her first day of school, seeing my little girl walk down the aisle, watching her become a mother. I know, I know... but you try having a little person growing inside you and not get completely overwhelmed with love and cheesiness!
- Selina's first quilt on The Fabulous Life of a Bean - I was so excited to finally see how Selina's first quilt turned out (amazingly, of course) but what really blew me away was the beautiful story that developed around it. She set out to make a quilt for a friend's baby, and ended up helping her grandmother rediscover her passion for sewing. The story is so touching, and I highly recommend taking a couple minutes to read it - even if you don't sew.