Weekend Update | Vol. 20

LIFE... Jared and I got a non grandparent date night! It was the first in over a year so it was a pretty big deal. The kids did great with their babysitter while we enjoyed an evening of record shopping, dinner at Hooch & Banter, and a late night stroll along Carroll Creek. Perfection.

ALLIE... Decided to cut bangs after swearing I'd never cut bangs again, all because the wrinkle on my forehead was starting to give me a complex. So now instead of fixating on how my wrinkle looks I'm fixating on how my bangs look. Brilliant plan.

JARED... Very upset that The Grinder got cancelled, but very pleased that the first of our two raised beds is fully planted AND that he finally got to use the compost he's been building up for the past year and a half. 

EMMA... Picked up one of Jonah's books and read it cover to cover on Sunday. A book that she'd never read before and never heard us read before. A book with 3 syllable words. To watch this kid who has been in love with books since infancy reading independently before she even starts Kindergarten is pretty darn cool. Thanks, Montessori!

JONAH... I will be shocked if this kid doesn't grow up to be a musician. He's been obsessed with drumming since he was a baby and now he loves putting on shows for us and playing Jared's guitar. Let's just hope he's not tone deaf like his mama.



Allie: Shouting "excuse me" while I'm talking is still interrupting.
Emma: But you keep saying things over and over and over and I never get to talk!
Allie: (suppressing laughter) Well if you'd listen the first time I wouldn't have to say things over and over and over.
Emma: But I don't want to listen the first time!

Jared: If you ever needed proof that I will do anything for you, it's that I took a brush and scrubbed dirt off the outside of a box that holds dirt. That's how much I love you.

Jonah: Can we do yoga tonight?
Allie: No, we're not doing yoga tonight. We're doing quickest path to mama getting a glass of wine tonight.

Jared: Oh yeah, this is like a suuuuper girly drink.
Allie: But is it good?
Jared: Yes. Yes it is.