link love - 3.18.11

Here are my favorites from the blogosphere this week:

  • Marshmallow Bunny Plushies from Dandelions and Lace - I've mentioned my intense love of marshmallows before, so it should come as no surprise that Easter is a particularly excellent season for my taste buds.  People either love or hate Peeps, and I fall firmly in the love column.  My mom made us a Peep cake every Easter - yellow cake, Fluffy White icing, coconut dyed with green food coloring to look like grass, and a little Easter-scape on top with Peeps and jelly beans - and I plan to carry on the tradition with my own kiddos.  Anyway, when I saw this insanely cute tutorial my Peep-loving heart went all a-flutter.  Seriously, how cute are these?  They're like the Peeps that keep on - uhh - peeping?  Yeah, I don't know.  But I know they're awesome and I can't wait to add one to our little girl's Easter basket next year.

  • S'more Bites from Fix Me a Snack - Hmm, I'm noticing a theme here.  Yep, definitely pregnant!  These little balls of goodness caught my eye not only because they have marshmallow centers (okay, mostly because they have marshmallow centers) but because the ingredients seem, well, kinda healthy.  Almond butter?  Wheat germ?  Is this lady crazy?  She may be crazy, but that's just enough healthy stuff to allow me to justify making these this weekend.  And then eat all 20 of them in one sitting.  Okay, maybe just 18.  Jared can have a couple, too.

  • Fundraiser for Japan by Oh, Fransson! - I wanted to post this one in case you're thinking about donating to the Red Cross to help with the Japan relief effort.  I've always loved Oh, Fransson!'s Tokyo Subway Map quilt, and now she's giving it away to one lucky and charitable reader.  If you like this quilt, too, please consider donating for a chance to win.  Great cause, great quilt, everybody wins.

link love - 3.11.11

Here are a few of my favorite things from around the web this week:

  • The Two Minute T-Shirt Dress from Prudent Baby... There's a slew of upcycled baby clothes tutorials out there, but this caught my eye for being particularly cute and easy.  I used to love wearing my dad's t-shirts around the house when I was a little girl, and I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me hoping our little one wants to help me downsize her dad's t-shirt collection by adopting a few as her own.

  • Oh, Fransson!'s Mod Blue Mosaic Quilt... Oh, Fransson! is one of my quilting heroes (and a fellow Portlander!)  Her quilts are always so modern and unexpected - and this one is no exception.  My brain has a hard time with asymmetry, so while I'm not sure I'll ever be able to adopt her style of quilting, I still love to swoon over her creations.

  • My friend Rachael sent me this DIY Bird Mobile tutorial last night, and I'm pretty much obsessed with it... Sarah was going to help me DIY a mobile similar to the one in the mood board I put together, but this tutorial has me totally inspired.  I'll have more than enough scrap fabric left over from the various nursery projects - plus, hello!, they're birds!  Tiny little perched birds in coordinated fabrics keeping watch over my baby girl.  It's all too much.  I kind of HAVE to do this, right??


link love - 3.4.11

You might think from this week's favorites that I've been holed up in my hotel room all week eating chocolate and reading chick lit, but I promise that's not the case... these all just really grabbed me for one reason or another.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

  • The SISTERS photography assignment on Pioneer Woman - I love PW, I love her photography assignments, and I especially love my sister.  She's been in South Africa the past two weeks and these photos make me miss her even more.  Life is just lonelier without a sister to obsessively play Words with Friends with.
  • No Big Dill's Love You Forever Skirt - While I love the Once Upon a Thread series, I love the book from this entry more than I love the skirt.  I'd never heard of it before, but after reading this quote I will definitely be buying it to read to my baby: "I'll love you forever.  I'll like you for always.  As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."  Seriously... total goner.  I can't even type those words without getting choked up by thoughts of her first day of school, seeing my little girl walk down the aisle, watching her become a mother.  I know, I know... but you try having a little person growing inside you and not get completely overwhelmed with love and cheesiness!
  • Selina's first quilt on The Fabulous Life of a Bean - I was so excited to finally see how Selina's first quilt turned out (amazingly, of course) but what really blew me away was the beautiful story that developed around it.  She set out to make a quilt for a friend's baby, and ended up helping her grandmother rediscover her passion for sewing.  The story is so touching, and I highly recommend taking a couple minutes to read it - even if you don't sew.

link love - 2.25.11

Here are some of my favorite things from around the web this week:

  • The "Ask a Photographer" series on ohdeeoh... as someone who's still learning how to use her camera properly (and not just making up for it after the fact thanks to Photoshop, which is my default approach to photography), this series has been so so so helpful.  There's a big focus on photographing kids and kids' things, but the advice they give is pretty universal.
  • Obsessed with this photo series from Irina Werning... isn't it fantastic?  Makes me want to reenact this photo and give the before and after to my mom for Christmas:

Come on, we could totally still rock those easter dresses.