P52: Weeks 1-4

I mentioned that one of my goals for this year is to participate in a Project 52 photography project, and I'm pleased to report that I'm officially one month in. I'm participating in this with over 400 other Clickin Moms members, and we have suggested themes to follow for each week. Let me tell you, the work these girls have submitted so far has been incredible and so inspiring. It's amazing to see everyone's vastly different takes on the same theme. Here are my photos, so far: Week 1 | New Year


Week 2 | Silhouette

Yyyyyeah, so I'm really proud of this one, but it's also super personal and I don't feel comfortable sharing it with the masses. I promise I will try my best to make sure this is the only one I can't share with you. Sorry!

Week 3 | Shallow Depth of Field


Week 4 | Weather


I'm planning to post these on a weekly basis from now on (probably on Mondays) so stay tuned, and thanks for looking! :)

Kristy Dooley Photography

Proof that even hobbyists need nice branding, Kristy came to me wanting to redo her watermark and blog. Her photos were already amazing, and now they look that much better with her new branding. Check out her gorgeous work here. KD_Branding-Sheet

Lucy Baber Photography

Lucy is a successful children and newborn photographer in the Philadelphia, PA area and I was so excited to be part of her rebranding. Check out her amazing work here. Lucy-B-Photography-Branding-Sheet_alt2

January's 12x12

As I mentioned on Friday, I set out this weekend to do another 12x12 challenge (12 photos in 12 hours to capture our day.) These were all taken on what was a pretty typical Sunday for us... eating, playing, swimming, football, bed. (I'm very much looking forward to replacing the 4th thing in a couple of weeks!) ;)

Letters to My Daughter: January

Hello, sweet girl. I haven't written to you since you were a few weeks old, when I was still so overwhelmed with the joy of your arrival (and with figuring out this whole parenting thing!) I held you in my arms and couldn't imagine life getting any better. But it has... in the past year and a half I've watched you grow into this amazingly smart, silly, and ever-curious little girl, and I find myself in a state of perpetual awe.

You bring so much joy and laughter to my life every single day... and since we don't get to spend that much time together during the week, I pretty much live for the weekends. I love our morning cuddles, having breakfast together in our PJs, going to the park, throwing the ball for Rocco... your excitement to play and learn and find new adventures is so infectious. I love watching you "read" your books aloud, in words I can't quite make out, wondering what story you're making up in your head to go along with the pictures. And I love how determined and focused you get during your independent play... it amazes me how creative you are with your toys, and how quickly you learn to use and manipulate them.

Mostly I love how completely and utterly silly you are. You're constantly singing and making up sounds, or dancing to whatever music we have on with the most ridiculous dance moves I've ever seen. Even after you've gone to bed, your dad and I find ourselves still laughing about something you did during the day, or because when we check the monitor we find you in your signature sleeping position - on your back with your arms folded behind your head like you're lounging poolside. We find you endlessly entertaining, and your love of life endlessly inspiring. I feel so immensely blessed - not just that I get to be a mama - but that I get to be your mama. So thank you... thank you for being you and for bringing me so much more happiness than I ever thought possible.

I am joined in this “Letters to our Children” blog circle by an amazing group of photographers and moms. Together, we'll be writing these letters every month in honor of our love for our sons and daughters. I encourage you to head over to Davina's blog to read her letter, and then continue on around the circle!

December's 12x12

Happy Friday, everyone! I thought I'd share a little photo project I worked on last month... it's called a 12x12 - 12 photos in 12 hours. It was a little challenging since you're not always in good lighting situations every hour of every day (how nice would that be??), but it ended up being a great way to capture our day as it really was. I liked it so much I'm planning to start doing a monthly 12x12. Even if you're not a photographer, I encourage you to try it. So many of our family photos are taken during events or special occasions... sometimes it's nice to see life as it really is - dirty faces and all. :) For December's 12x12, we were in North Carolina visiting my in-laws...

Okay, so things got a little klugy during naptime so it wasn't exactly a photo each hour, but no photo project is worth disrupting naptime. Aaaand, there's no #12 here because it's a photo of Emma in the bath that, while completely adorable, isn't something I'm comfortable posting for random strangers that might come across my blog. So let's just assume it's the greatest photo ever taken of a baby in the tub, k? :)

Have you done a 12x12? Send me a link in the comments! I'm planning to try the 12x12 again tomorrow to get some practice with my new Sigma 30mm lens and I'd love the extra inspiration.

Have a great weekend!!

Iron Chef at home... our new favorite date night

Like most married couples with kids, Jared and I spend most evenings relaxing in front of the TV. This is great for catching up on our shows, but it can make for a pretty lame marriage. Since we can't afford to get a babysitter every weekend, I tried to come up with ideas for creating the feel of a date night at home. And then it hit me - we love to cook, we love Iron Chef, and we love a little friendly competition... a weekly Iron Chef battle was just the thing we needed to, uh, spice up our Saturday nights. Here's what we do... earlier in the week we'll pick an ingredient, then toss around some course ideas. We prepare 3 courses, 1 each and then 1 joint course. Everything is made from scratch and we aren't allowed to use recipes (unless it's to make an ingredient that we've never made before, like pie crust.) Jared goes out during Saturday naptime to get all the ingredients, we start prepping during the day as needed, and we start the real cooking once Emma goes to bed. We don't limit ourselves to an hour because, well, that would be insane.

The first week we did Battle Blue Cheese, and it was AH-MAZING! I took a ton of photos, and then promptly accidentally deleted them when I formatted my CF card. So let's move on to Battle Bacon, shall we?

Our first course was our joint course... a romaine salad with shallot bacon balsamic dressing topped with blue cheese crumbles and bacon. It was really tasty, but the blue cheese overpowered the bacon flavor. I'd absolutely make this again, though.

bacon wrapped scallops bacon wrapped shrimp

The second course was all Jared, and the man out-did himself... bacon-wrapped shrimp and bacon wrapped scallops crusted with lemon pepper & sea salt, topped with Old Bay bacon crumbles. The shrimp were good, but the scallops were to-die-for. So juicy and tender, and perfectly complemented by the bacon.

The third course was mine, and if I do say so myself (and I do, because it's my blog), I crushed it. Maple bacon ice cream garnished with bacon brittle. Best. Ice. Cream. Ever. Okay, maybe not the best ever, but easily the best I've ever made. If you've ever been to Voodoo Donuts in Portland, you've probably had their maple bacon bar... well, this is the ice cream equivalent of that deliciousness.

Jared and I agreed that we tied on this battle... his scallops were just as delicious as my ice cream. We high fived each other and agreed that this was the best date night idea ever. Well, second to actually leaving the house. Cooking together is a blast and we get an amazing meal out of it. If you're looking for a way to jazz up your weekends with your significant other, I highly recommend trying your own Iron Chef battle.

Up next for us... Battle Lemon. Kinda unconventional, but lemons are in season so we're just going to roll with it.

Desert Island Discs: Stephen Bond

January's Desert Island picks are brought to you by my friend, Stephen... a proud Austinite by way of the Olympia burbs. We met when we were both living in Seattle and bonded over our love of music and our dislike of most everything else. He has impeccable taste in music, and I love the list he came up with.

1) Cold, Cold Water by Mirah... This was the song that pushed me down the rabbit hole. Until I heard this, I hadn't bothered to investigate anything that wasn't in heavy rotation on the local alt-rock radio station. I went to my first "indie" show to see Mirah. It was at some sort of dance studio in Olympia, and The Microphones and Calvin Johnson were both on the bill. I was blown away, and life hasn't quite been the same since.

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/4gn0UCNUU4u6ncmCAEk90W[/embed]


2) Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits... This is perhaps the one song my dad and I will always agree on.

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/6cr6UDpkjEaMQ80OjWqEBQ[/embed]


3) Gardenhead/Leave Me Alone by Neutral Milk Hotel... It wouldn't be a stretch to include any and all NMH songs on a list like this. Listening to any of them is about as close as I'm going to get to calling something a spiritual experience. I particularly like the horns in this one. And the imagery. And... everything, really.

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/3Mr3ZUFtC1DKFmFeD5mF8P[/embed]


4) Snookered by Dan Deacon... This song got me through a particularly tough part of my life. The lyrics are such a lovely expression of the existential misery that can come along with really crappy happenings, while the music batters all your sad-sack neurons into complete submission; it's the perfect "things are gonna be okay" song. When I saw him perform this live during SXSW 2011, it was the most connecting, giddy concert experience I'd ever had, and it completely reshaped my notion of what the live music experience can be like.

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/5UKKQVjIyCg6F57gulETXr[/embed]


5) Bad Religion by Frank Ocean.. This just came out this year, and holy crap, it's amazing. The whole album is brilliant, but this track sticks out. It's beautiful. It's important. I love it.

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/2pMPWE7PJH1PizfgGRMnR9[/embed]


6) Graceland by Paul Simon.. I grew up listening to this song, and I've never gotten tired of it. As a bass player, I'm constantly in awe of the bass work on most of the Graceland album.

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/51KKQAgYFoJHgVIuJWHdHb[/embed]


7) The Scientists by Hum.. It's a rock song about two scientists leaving the dying Earth behind on a spaceship. What's not to love?

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/1i3k7iSflrhAZE3bfWjUug[/embed]


8) Meet Me in the City by Junior Kimbrough.. To me, this is what the blues are supposed to sound like. Simple, soulful, and haunting. You can't fake this.

[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/5VddUiKGvHdNVQQwImOrsB[/embed]


Thanks, Stephen!

Have Spotify and want to listen to the whole playlist? Click here.

(PS… remember that if you’re viewing this in a feed reader you’ll need to click over to the blog to see the Spotify tracks.)

Goals for 2013

This was our NYE this year, right after the clock struck midnight at The Avett Brothers' show in NC. Ah-mazing. More on that soon!

Happy New Year! I don't know about you, but I'm very happy to see 2012 go. It was a roller coaster of a year and I'm hopeful that 2013 will be a bit more balanced for me and my little family.

As in prior years, I made a list of goals for the coming year... I definitely took on too much last year, and while I have a lot I want to accomplish this year, I really tried to narrow this list down so that I could focus only on the things that are most important to me:

  • Take a class with Emma (we're all starting Music Together next weekend!)
  • Go on a weekend away with Jared, sans kiddo
  • Have more play dates with Emma and my nephew, Zachary
  • Cross 3 things off of my Life List
  • Finally give my home office a much needed makeover
  • Get healthy and toned (or at least healthy)
  • Take two more Clickin' Moms workshops (already signed up for Shooting 201 at the end of January)
  • Participate in a Project 52
  • Print and store our family photos in albums every month
  • Rebrand Made by Bird (very excited about this one!)
  • Get a blogger I admire to participate in Desert Island Discs
  • Gain 100 new Facebook followers (have you liked MBB on Facebook yet? If not, click here!)
What are your goals for the coming year? I'd love to hear them!

turn it up: silent night

I have too much to say about the shooting in Newtown, too much still to process. So for now, I'll just share this... a beautiful tribute to those precious babies who left us far too soon. [embedplusvideo height="365" width="600" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/CTbhVlHuONo?fs=1" vars="ytid=CTbhVlHuONo&width=600&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=" id="ep5343" /]

gift guide: BFF edition

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

I love shopping for my BFF! Well, really I love shopping for all of my friends. They're easy because they don't ask for anything and there's nothing they really need, so I can just get them fun stuff I know they'll love. The key to shopping for your BFF is to give her something that makes her feel special, but that she probably wouldn't buy for herself. Like these luxurious Hanky Panky boyshorts (the best boyshorts in the history of boyshorts)... they're awesome, but I have a hard time spending $30 a pop on underwear. Or the Capri Blue candle from Anthro... the best candle in the history of candles (noticing a theme here?) but again, I have a hard time spending $30 on a candle. Okay, maybe I'm just cheap. All I know is that any of these would make a great gift for the gal who knows all your dirty secrets and loves you anyway.

Stay tuned for the final gift guide next week... gifts for (almost) anyone!

gift guide 2012: husband edition


1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

I don't know about you, but the man in my life is rather hard to shop for. He buys classic things that last and don't need replacing very often, which over time means that the list of things he "needs" gets pretty slim. And what's worse, he already has most of the things on this list (1-3) so my own gift guide doesn't help me much, but hopefully it will help you!

I can't recommend the Red Wing boots enough… they're classic, and of impeccable quality. And the lip balm is one of the few products I can get Jared to use on a regular basis. Now let's chat about #5, since I know this one is probably a little controversial… but there isn't a man alive that wouldn't want photos like this of his wife! The trick is to find a really high quality photographer who specializes in this type of photography. I haven't done a boudoir shoot, but I think I would someday… I think it would be fun to get my hair and makeup all done up and pretend I'm a Victorias Secret model for an afternoon. You know, a VS model who has barely worked out since she had a baby and shows only the teensiest bit of skin. Hot! But seriously, you should go for it. I've heard from several women who said it was a huge ego boost. And I'm guessing it would be your husband's favorite gift ever. :)

Stay tuned for next week's gift guide for your BFF!

desert island discs: jenn manzetti

Welcome to another edition of Desert Island Discs! Today's tracks are from my friend Jenn, an all around awesome gal who took the past year to do what we all dream about - she quit her job and traveled to cities near and far visiting friends, going to shows, and having herself a darn good time. She's a huge music lover, and I'm obsessed with this list (many of these were ones I debated including in my own list)...

1) The Wind by Cat Stevens... I listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul. where I'll end up, well I think only God really knows." The first time I heard this song I was 11 and it instantly comforted me.  22 years later it still does.  Simple & powerful....the beauty of Cat Stevens.


[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/75JdHluvivgVe8l2p74nb4[/embed]


2) Nightswimming by R.E.M... When I hear the first few notes of this song, I become 16 again, sitting in a beat up car with my friends, driving nowhere in particular, soaking up the August days we had left before school started. I will never hear this song and not remember my lovely, misfit friends and our restless summers together.


[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/2xLSFrm2oBeMtBMjlAoZSC[/embed]


3) That's How Strong My Love Is by Otis Redding... I wouldn't consider myself a religious person, despite being raised Catholic. But music is sacred to me.  When I want to go to church, I listen to Otis. Side note: If someone ever felt the urge to write a song like this for or about me, I would be totally fine with it. 


[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/1PEp3Cr6LDPcj8WDOyhZk6[/embed]


4) A Case Of You performed by James Blake... Two things about me: I love Joni Mitchell & cover songs.  However, I almost always dislike covers of Joni's songs.  Then I heard James Blake's version of this.  The original song is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful and heart-breaking ever written.  It's amazing, but this version is even more haunting.  Perfect for a cathartic cry and cheaper than therapy.


[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/6tNrUI6H15kqWBff0HcEZr[/embed]


5) Walkin' After Midnight by Patsy Cline... If I was to live out the rest of my days on a desert island, I'd want songs that I loved to listen to, but that were also sentimental to me. My grandmother, Nora, when she wasn't singing along to something, whistled. Constantly. More often than not, it was one of Patsy's songs that had her whistling. On my island, I would whistle to this and know that wherever Nora is now, she's joining in. 


[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/0u8I9lEvMQOdTDHnlP20Qv[/embed]


6) I've Got A Feeling by The Beatles... So I'm a total Beatlemaniac.  I love so many of their songs for various reasons, but most of my all-time favorites are Lennon-McCartney working in a perfect union.  This is a great example.  Mood instantly lifted!  


[embedplusvideo height="237" width="280" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/h9HTsW2aWBU?fs=1" vars="ytid=h9HTsW2aWBU&width=280&height=237&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep2977" /]


7) Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen... As a Jersey girl, I had to have a Bruce song. Pretty sure I'd be kicked out of NJ and disowned by my family if I didn't. But seriously folks, this song never fails to get to me. Not to bring the room down, but when I was 19, I got sick and spent a lot of time in & out of hospitals.  My brother, Steve, was 13 then and trying to keep up his teenage, "this is no big deal" exterior, no matter the situation at home. Then I had a pretty lengthy hospital stay and when he visited, he brought me something: my old walkman & a mixtape he made me of all my favorite songs. This was the first song of side A. Basically, I well up with a mix of emotions every time I hear it.  Steve is a total pain in my *ss most of the time, but he's also one of the best people I know. Do not tell him I said that. I'll deny it.


[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/697RpGgVTwkaucnhGdUS6b[/embed]


8) Ball and Biscuit by The White Stripes... Jack White is my cerebral crush and just perfection to me.  I could make a desert island playlist from his song catalog. The White Stripes were/are tops in my book (I've yet to come to terms with their break-up, but have high hopes of one day accepting it). This song is everything rock n' roll should be - a little ugly, a little sexy, all guitar and banging drums. 100% badass.


[embed size="compact"]http://open.spotify.com/track/5SI9IqXXoXic1gy93XVdS0[/embed]


Have Spotify and want to listen to the whole playlist (minus The Beatles because they're not on Spotify)? Click here.

(PS… remember that if you’re viewing this in a feed reader you’ll need to click over to the blog to see the Spotify tracks.)

wear + share: 11.30.12

1 / 2 / 3 /  4

TGIF! I'm in rainy San Francisco right now for work, and normally I'd be super bummed because I hate being away from my family, but two of my dearest girlfriends came to keep me company. They're kind of the best like that. We're heading out tonight for a good old fashioned girls night out on the town, and I'm so excited. I honestly don't even remember the last time I was in a bar. Pretty sad, huh? I have an early flight out tomorrow so I can't do too much damage, mostly I'm just super thrilled to have some rare girl time with two of my favorite people. What are you up to this weekend?

Trying to kill time til the end of your work day? Check out some of my favorites from this week...

  • Is the red velvet trend over? Not if you ask Joy the Baker... these look divine
  • These baby animal photographs would be perfect in any nursery
  • Will you be fighting the masses to get your hands on the beautiful Neimans/Target collaboration?
  • This jumped straight to the head of my "must make" list
  • A perfect gift for the lucky lady in your life

gift guide 2012: toddler edition

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Every Wednesday until Christmas I'll be posting a gift guide with shopping ideas for all of your favorite people. I'm starting off with a guide designed for my favorite little gal.

We try to keep Emma's play space clean and uncluttered so we decided not to get her any toys this year. (We realized this is probably the last year we'll get away with that, so might as well take advantage of it while we still can!) We asked family members for board books (we loooove the Pigeon books) and art supplies for her, and we're giving her the Learning Tower (#1) and made her a personalized mini book of names & faces (#3).

What are you getting for the toddler in your life this Christmas?

turn it up: november's most played

(Lyrics by Shovels & Rope, design by me)

With November coming to a close I thought I'd do a little recap of the songs I've had on power rotation this month...

My obsession with Shovels & Rope is clearly still going strong. Seriously, if you haven't listened to them yet stop everything and do it now. Also watch every live recording you can find on You Tube. They're that good, and from all accounts super nice, humble, and funny, which only makes me love them all the more.

There are a few oldies but goodies I rediscovered this month... turns out Emma LOVES listening to Late in the Evening on the way home from daycare. I know I've hit a good track when I hear "whoooo!", "yay!!" and claps coming from the backseat. I also got nostalgic for Pickathon with one of my favorite live tracks from the festival. And if you haven't heard Mr. Hathaway's version of "Jealous Guy" yet, you're welcome. ;)

In addition to the Spotify tracks, it's been an excellent month over on Daytrotter. We've had the Mumford & Sons session on repeat in this house all month long. It's filled with old folk covers and features Dawes and Abigail Washburn. It's might just be the best Daytrotter session to date. The new Ryan Bingham session that came out yesterday is also quite good.

What have you been listening to this month?

(PS... remember that if you're viewing this in a feed reader you'll need to click over to the blog to see the Spotify tracks.)

the brussels sprouts that will make you like brussels sprouts

See that one that's missing? I couldn't even wait to take the picture to try one.

If you hate brussels sprouts or think there just "meh" then you clearly haven't had them cooked like this. I stumbled upon Mark Bittman's recipe a while back after making some lackluster sprouts, and it turns out I was cooking them all wrong. This way is not only easy, but they turn out so amazingly good I was eating them like candy before they even hit the plate. Mark said it best himself: "the crisp outside leaves and tender, almost artichoke-like interior cannot be beat."


  • 1 pint brussels sprouts (about a pound)
  • 4 to 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, to coat bottom of pan
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  1. Heat oven to 450 degrees. Trim bottom of brussels sprouts, and slice each in half top to bottom. Heat oil in cast-iron pan over medium-high heat until it shimmers; put sprouts cut side down in one layer in pan. Put in garlic, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. Cook, undisturbed, until sprouts begin to brown on bottom, and transfer to oven. Cook, shaking pan occasionally, until sprouts are quite brown and tender, about 1/2 hour.
  3. Taste, and add more salt and pepper if necessary. Stir in balsamic vinegar, and serve hot or warm.

Recipe from The New York Times.