I'm back...

Sorry it's been so long since my last post! Here's a little recap of what I've been up to: (1) Hawaii: The hubs and I just got back from our 1 year anniversary trip to Maui. (A year? Already?? Where has the time gone?!?) I'm so excited to tell you all about it. We had an amazing time and did and saw so much that I could write an entire post for each day we were there. Soooo... that's exactly what I'm going to do over the next week or so. Stay tuned.

(2) Etsy shop status: Alright, so September was a little crazier than I anticipated and October's shaping up to be the same. I have a wedding this weekend (see below), a memorial service next weekend, a work party and another wedding the weekend after that, maybe an off weekend, and then the annual cabin trip. Sprinkle in a few shows and a full-time job, and I'm looking at some very sewing-filled weeknights this month. So given all of that, the plan is to launch on 11/7. There. It's in writing. Dealines are good. Not at all stressful or panic inducing. Nope. Uh uh. 38 days. Holy moly. Breathe, Allie. Breathe...

(3) Hesse & Haase - the end of an era: I'm writing this from the train headed up to Seattle for the wedding of one of my dearest girlfriends in the whole world, Heather. Heather and I moved to Seattle around the same time 4 and a half years ago, and were introduced by a mutual friend we both knew from Michigan (she grew up there, I went to school there.) We bonded immediately over our love for good music and bad 80s movies (Teen Witch, anyone?), and a general dislike for stupid girls and crappy ex-boyfriends. We were both recently out of relationships at the time and filled our nights and weekends making the most of our mid-20s singledom. We moved on to new relationships, me with Jared, Heather with what we like to call a GGBB - good guy, bad boyfriend. Thankfully that ended, and Heather met a super great guy named Alex. He completely adores her, and gets her even when she's at her worst. He balances her in a way I've never seen any other guy be able to do. He's the kind of guy you hope your girlfriend ends up with, so I couldn't be happier that they're getting married. It's bittersweet that the Hesse & Haase era has come to an end. Shellaway & Contreras, though happier and blissfully more mature, doesn't quite have the same ring to it... but hey, no matter what - we will always go dancing.