Letters to My Daughter: July

2013-07-20_0003 dearemma

You and your dad have become ridiculously cute together lately. You've always been a bit more of a mama's girl, but you're starting to realize how awesome your dad is. No one can make you giggle like he can, and watching you two together makes my heart all kinds of happy.


You got pretty lucky in the daddy department... not only does he take incredible care of you, but I know he's going to be such a great example for you of what a good man is - how a man should treat the people he loves, how involved he should be as a father, and how he continually puts the needs of his family ahead of his own. He'll be a pretty tough act to follow, but I can only hope you'll find someone as wonderful as he is someday. (Your dad would prefer that day be a long long time from now.) :)


I am joined in this “Letters to our Children” blog circle by an amazing group of photographers and moms. Together, we’ll be writing these letters every month in honor of our love for our sons and daughters. I encourage you to head over to my friend Carrie’s blog to read her honest and heartfelt letter to her kids.