the made by bird Etsy shop has LAUNCHED!

I've spent so long thinking about this and planning for it that it's hard to believe the made by bird Etsy shop has actually become a reality.  A huge thanks goes out to my incredibly supportive family and friends.  I could never have pulled this off without their endless encouragement.  And thanks most of all to my husband, who has been my sounding board, my rock, my everything a husband is supposed to be but rarely is... he had more faith in my ability to do this than I had in myself, and I probably would have given up on this whole idea a long time ago had it not been for him.  Okay, okay, enough with the gushing.  Time to celebrate... not only did I finally open my Etsy shop, but in doing so I crossed the last item off of my five for 2010 list with two months to spare.  Woohoo!!!  :-D