push it...

For the most part, the pregnant ladies of Hollywood are setting a great example with the recent rise in natural, home, and water births. The horrid "too posh to push" trend seems to be on its way out, and the more famous women who have normal births, the more it gets in the news, and the more it hopefully encourages other women to at least consider going the natural route. So, yay famous mamas! BUT... now that they're pushing out their babies again, a new trend has arisen that I find a bit ridiculous - the "push present."

Mamas like Rachel Zoe and (most recently) Jessica Alba, were given lavish pieces of jewelry by their husbands as a thank you for all their hard work in the delivery room. It's not that these women aren't deserving of loads of gratitude, praise, and all-out worship - heck, drugs or no drugs, what our bodies do to birth our babies is downright miraculous. Childbirth makes us badasses. But I don't need a medal, much less a big fat diamond, because you know what else makes a great "push present"? A BABY. That's right, that tiny little bundle of cuteness you've been waiting 9 months to meet is what makes all the blood, sweat, and tears worth it. More than worth it, actually. And your husband that just spent those 9 months patiently putting up with your mood swings, cravings, sleepless nights, and absentmindedness, and held your hand or pressed on your back through every contraction, every push - yeah, he's pretty amazing. And while he didn't just push out a baby, you couldn't have done it without him. How about cutting him a little slack and not making him feel like he didn't do enough... that on top of everything else he doesn't also have to somehow find time to go to the jewelry store. It all just seems a bit silly to me, but maybe it's just me...

What are your thoughts on "push presents"? Over the top or simply a nice gesture?