\Letters to my Children\ April

I’m continuing my “Letters” project this year with a new group of my very dearest photography friends. Each month I’ll write a letter to one of my babies.  This month it’s Emma’s turn… dearemma


We had Spring Break this month, which meant we had a whole week to hang out and do fun stuff. We started by making homemade moon sand. It was too cold to play with it outside, and I'd already gotten you excited about it, so I braced myself for a mess and let you have at it. My instructions to "make sure it stays inside the bin" apparently fell on deaf ears, but you had a blast and that's all that matters. :)

2014-04-24_0002 2014-04-24_0003

Next up we painted your toenails! You love having me paint your toes and you even got to pick out a special color at Target ("the red store"). You, of course, picked your favorite color - purple.


The next morning you let me do your hair in special braids and you looked like SUCH a big girl. No more braids for a while because mama can't handle how grown up they make you look.


Then it was off to Green Meadows, the local petting farm and one of your all time favorite places to visit. You know all the animals and especially love feeding the goats. That particular afternoon they even had an easter egg hunt! You were very excited to pick out your eggs, but weren't such a fan of the costumed Easter Bunny they had strolling around. People in big furry costumes aren't your thing.


I think your favorite part of the week was going to our dear friend Leslie's farm in Central Virginia with Titi and your cousin Zachary. You kids had a BLAST feeding the animals, running around the huge property, playing with all of Leslie's toys, and generally being complete goof balls.

2014-04-24_0007 2014-04-24_0008 2014-04-24_0009

After our sleepover at Leslie's we headed back to Titi's to play and get everything ready for Easter. We stayed the night there and, as usual, you woke up way too early. This meant iPad time until everyone else woke up. Hmm, no wonder you like waking up early!


You and Zachary were SO excited to get a very special Facetime call from Nana and Grandpa Ed! They were on a boat in Paris and we could see the Eiffel Tower in the background. You're obsessed with Madeline lately so that part was especially cool.

I apparently got tired of taking pictures at this point, so you'll have to take my word for it that you had an awesome Easter, filled with family, fun, and lots of yummy food. More importantly, we had SUCH a fun Spring Break! I loved having so much time to hang out with you and can't wait for our next day off together.


I encourage you to head over to my friend Ann’s blog to read her letter to her sweet boys.

\10 on 10\ April (Portraits of Fatherhood)

For this month's 10 on 10 I wanted to do a day in the life series on my husband, Jared... For all the curveballs life has thrown us the past couple of years, and how tough the transition to two kids has been, I look at these photos and know I married the right person. Aside from being a genuinely great guy, he's such a wonderful father and husband. I feel blessed to know the example he's setting for our children of what a real man is. \1\ Start your engines 2014-04-07_0001

\2\ He always makes us breakfast on the weekends 2014-04-07_0002

\3\ Driving to gymnastics2014-04-07_0003

\4\ Jared to me: "Don't draw attention over here! I just want to eat my yogurt without having to share it with Emma." as he spitefully savors the last spoonful :) 2014-04-07_0004

\5\ They're starting to spend more quality time together now that Jonah is going longer between feedings... I love the bond they're developing2014-04-07_0005

\6\ These two have so many little games they play... this one is where he "makes it windy inside" by blowing on her and she just cracks up 2014-04-07_0006

\7\ Pre-bath potty time, \8\ brusha brusha2014-04-07_0007

\9\ Story time2014-04-07_0008

\10\ Kicking back2014-04-07_0009

I’m joined in this project by a group of amazing photographers… head on over to Christine’s blog to see a day in her life, then continue around the circle until you end up back here!

\Letters to My Children\ March

I’m continuing my “Letters” project this year with a new group of my very dearest photography friends. Each month I’ll write a letter to one of my babies.  This month it’s Jonah’s turn… 2014-03-30_0002

MySweetJonahI can't believe you're already 6 months old! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital, and now you're rolling over, scooting around to get to your toys, and starting solids. We gave you some avocado to try and after the initial excitement wore off, you were pretty skeptical.



Eventually you got on board and have been doing great ever since. And now that you're finally feeling better (begone chronic bronchiolitis!) you're drinking lots and lots of milk and sleeping better at night. You still wake up a little too early for our liking, but we'll work on that. You're so stinking cute, we're always happy to see your face - even at 5am.



We love you so much, buddy, and can't wait to see what the coming months have in store for you. <3 LoveMama


I encourage you to head over to my lovely friend Gwen’s blog to read her letter to her children.

Jonah's Birth Story

It was a Thursday night, and despite the fact that I wasn't due for another week, I just knew labor was imminent. Jared and I were in DC on a last chance date night to see Langhorne Slim and the Law play, and I was using the stage clock to time my ever increasing pre-labor contractions. As excited as I was to meet our little guy, I'm very thankful that a front row delivery wasn't in the cards. We were able to dance the night away and at one point while he was singing, Sean (aka. Langhorne) even put his hand on my belly. It was a funny moment that definitely helped to take my mind off my contractions. My pre-labor calmed down soon after we got home, and held off until Saturday night when I woke up with contractions that were 7 minutes apart. Things felt pretty real, but I wanted to be certain so I waited a couple of hours before calling my mom who was on deck to stay with Emma once we left for the hospital. She had been sick all week and by the time I called very early Sunday morning she was running a fever and unable to get out of bed. Crap. My mom rarely ever gets sick, and never gets that sick, so at that point I pretty much went into panic mode. Of the relatively few fears I had about this birth, not having anyone to take care of Emma was pretty high on the list.

The sun was rising, and so were my stress levels. So much so that my labor started to slow down. It was almost as if my body knew we needed more time to get things sorted out. I continued to have contractions every half an hour or so, but we went about our Sunday as normal... a trip to the local animal farm with Emma then back home for a much needed nap. I was nearly certain I'd be having this baby within the next 24 hours so I wanted to get as much rest as possible.

 Got my 39 week photo done that afternoon... not a moment too late!

As I was waking up, I got the call from my sister that I'd been waiting for... she and my mom had worked out a plan and no matter when I needed to go to the hospital, Emma would be taken care of. Phew! And wouldn't you know it, not an hour later my labor picked back up. It was around 3:30pm, my contractions were 10 minutes apart, and I knew this time was it... our little boy was on his way!

My contractions continued to get closer and stronger over the next few hours. I'd been listening to my hypnobirthing tracks off and on since Saturday night, and things were feeling pretty manageable. We ate some dinner, got Emma to bed, and decided it was time to call my mom to have her come up. I touched base with the midwife on call at the hospital and she was ready for us whenever we felt ready to come in. But our readiness was so hard to gauge - Emma was asleep, my contractions were 6 minutes apart and getting closer by the hour, my mom and stepdad had arrived and were all settled in... by all accounts, we should be hospital bound, but I was really struggling with actually saying those words, "It's time to go." My labor with Emma had been soooo long. What if this labor was going to be just as long and we went to the hospital too early? Months of going to the chiropractor, doing inversions, stretches and yoga, but I still couldn't let myself believe that this labor was going to be different. Finally, after my mom said for the hundredth time, "you don't want to have this baby on the side of the road!," we left for the hospital.


Once we were at the hospital, I was relieved to find out that there wasn't a triage room. We got to go straight to the room where I'd have my baby and got settled in. When you go to a midwife practice, it's a bit of a crap shoot who you'll get as your midwife on D-Day, so I was relieved when the midwife on call, Tara, came in. I knew within two seconds of meeting her that she was going to be a great fit for us.


My initial fetal monitoring was almost done, I'd successfully avoided the IV line and was ready to be checked. I laid there doing a mental drumroll, hoping I was more than 5 centimeters. Psychologically, I needed to be more than 5.

I was 5 centimeters.

I couldn't help but think about how it took another 15 hours to birth Emma once I was 6-7 centimeters, so I mentally prepared myself for another several hours of contractions. It was 11pm. We got some tunes going, our birth photographer was snapping away, and I was happily swaying my hips on the birthing ball. In a funny way, it felt so us. Just hanging out, listening to music, laughing with each other. Okay, so every few minutes I'd have increasingly painful contractions. But other than that, it was just like normal.


Around midnight I decided to lay down for a bit and listen to a hypnobirthing track. (I like to keep moving when I'm in labor, but I learned the hard way with Emma that it's also important to rest!) About 15 minutes into the track I started getting the chills and shaking to the point that it was impossible to maintain my deep relaxation. I never went through a classic transition phase with Emma, so I didn't realize that this meant we were getting down to business. I scrapped the rest of the track and went back to standing/sitting/swaying. With every contraction I would stand behind Jared, hold on to his shoulders, and bury my forehead into his back while I breathed my baby down. I'd been doing that all day and it felt so good to connect with Jared during those moments of intensity.


Then came the nausea.

After a particularly intense contraction, I immediately felt like I was going to be sick. Tara handed me a little plastic tray, but I remember telling her that I wanted to go puke in the toilet like a lady. Ha! Thankfully, it was just some (slightly less unpleasant) dry heaving and then it subsided. Until the next contraction. More shaking, more chills, more nausea. This part wasn't much fun. We were still listening to music, and at one point during the craziness Tara was using the portable monitor to check my baby's heartbeat... "Angel From Montgomery" by John Prine was on (one of my all time favorite songs), and me, Jared, and Tara were all singing along while my baby's heartbeat thumped in the background. "Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery. Make me a poster of an old rodeo..." I knew the hardest part was soon to come, and this moment was a sweet little reminder that everything was happening exactly how it was supposed to.

Tara had the ideal personality for calming my nerves about having a long labor. She just never said anything about it... no time estimates, no pressure to be checked. She simply slowly started getting things in order when she sensed I was getting close to pushing. I could see this happening around me and while I was still too stubborn to get my hopes up, this unspoken vote of confidence was all I needed to surrender through the last of transition and start allowing myself to accept that this was about to happen - that a "mere" 11 hours after my labor picked back up the afternoon before, my baby was ready to be birthed.


I stuck with my contractions as long as I could... they were all consuming and the pressure was so intense I felt like my baby would just fall right out. If only it was that easy! I got up on the bed in a kneeling position and rested my arms over the raised top of the bed. With the next contraction, I started my pushes. I only lasted a few pushes in that position... you have to listen to your body when it comes to pushing and while no position feels good, some feel more right than others. So I sat on the bed and Jared and another nurse acted like human stirrups. (How's that visual for ya?!) We pushed against each other with each contraction, and I could already tell pushing was going to take longer than I'd hoped. I'm just not destined to be one of those 3 pushes and baby's out kinda gals.


Time was dragging. I felt like I wasn't making any progress. It hurt. It hurt BAD. Some women prefer the pushing, but not me. I could do (and did) days of labor just fine, but 20 minutes into pushing I was really regretting not getting any drugs. All those months I'd spent getting physically prepared for another natural birth, and I'd forgotten to firm up my mental resolve. I knew it was the safest and gentlest way for my baby to be born, I knew I'd done it once before, I knew it was what I truly wanted, but dang... in that moment, if it hadn't been too late, I would have given just about anything for a little pain relief. They always say that when you start wanting the drugs it means you're really close. Well I could have stood to be just a little closer.


My water still hadn't broken, so to move things along I asked Tara to go ahead and break my water. I immediately missed having that little buffer between my baby's head and my pelvis. Did I mention it hurt? Because it did. A lot. But I knew the only way out was through. I rested for a couple of contractions, and then decided that it was time. I was going to give it every last thing I had. Sounds came out of me that I've never heard before... guttural... primal.


He was crowning.

Two more pushes...



Hello, my sweet boy.

Tara handed him to me and he was just so tiny and perfect. I wanted to hold him forever. I can't adequately put into words the instant bond I felt with my son. From that moment on, he was my little guy and I was his mama and so it would always be.


We stared at him in all his newborn goodness, taking in every tiny wrinkle on his body, his firm little fists, his sparse blonde hair. Jared held his son for the first time, and I overflowed with love.


I barely noticed that, as with Emma, I was having too much bleeding and that the IV I'd been avoiding went in along with some Pitocin to try to get my uterus to contract a little faster. Such is the after part of of birth no one really talks about... you're so busy obsessing over your new baby, but you also just did this pretty crazy physical thing and your body needs tending to. So I got a little TLC while Jonah got his vitals taken.


It was nearly 3am by the time Jonah was born and we were bone tired. We were quite eager to move out of recovery and settle into our room to love on our little boy, and hopefully take a nice long family nap. Our wish was granted, and after a long feeding, Jonah fell asleep in my arms, I fell asleep in the bed, and Jared fell asleep on that terrible couch thing they try to pass off as a bed. I once again found myself blessed beyond belief... surrounded by more love than I ever thought possible... so fortunate to get to experience the miracle of motherhood.


\10 on 10\ March

This month's 10 on 10 depicts a typical Saturday for us these days... \1\ up way too early2014-03-09_0001

\2\ watching TV on the big bed2014-03-09_0002

\3\ Nana and Grampa Ed came to see Emma do her thing at "mastics" 2014-03-09_0003

\4 & 5\ playing and rolling2014-03-09_0004

\6 & 7\ lunch time antics 2014-03-09_0005

\8\ up close and personal with my sleepy guy (hand held self portrait)2014-03-09_0006

\9\ wheeeeee!2014-03-09_0007

\10\ dinner time tunes2014-03-09_0008

I’m joined in this project by a group of amazing photographers… head on over to Kyla's blog to see a day in her life, then continue around the circle until you end up back here!

\Letters to My Children\ February

I’m continuing my “Letters” project this year with a new group of my very dearest photography friends. Each month I’ll write a letter to one of my babies.  This month it’s Emma’s turn… 2014-02-27_0001

dearemmaWell, you are officially two and a half. With. A. Bang. I was naive enough to think we'd somehow, miraculously skip over the terrible twos. But it turns out you're a normal kid with big feelings and you're having a tough time managing them. Daddy and I are trying our best to help you figure out how to express yourself, but sometimes you just need to scream and cry and let it all out. It breaks my heart, but I always tell you that it's okay to be sad and frustrated and angry. I feel that way sometimes, too. We work on taking deep breaths and always talk through things once you've calmed down. Sometimes neither of us handles these meltdowns very well, but we always learn and that's the best we can do. Anyway, enough with the tough stuff... let's get to the good stuff!

Your ability to communicate beyond your years continues to blow us away, and I love seeing the wheels turning as you work something out or make up something silly. You're becoming more and more curious about the world around you and have started asking questions about everything... "Is it Saturday? Yes or No?"... "Is this a boy or a girl?"... "Can I have 2 books or 3?"... "What are these kids doing?" And just today you read The Little Blue Truck to me and Daddy, and I was a big old sap and started crying halfway through. I know you were just reciting it from memory, but it was a glimpse into a day, not too far from now, when you are really reading to us. I felt so proud of you, and so excited for what's to come as you get a little older.

Lately, you've gotten really into playing with your Legos and I just love watching you build your "circus," as you call it. You'll build a tower as tall as you can reach, and then gleefully knock it down so that you can build it up again.




I think my favorite thing about you at this age is how sweet, cuddly, and generous you are. You always have a million moochies (kisses) for me and Daddy and Jonah, and you love to cook for us in your kitchen and share your loveys with your little brother. It makes you so happy to make us feel loved and cared for... it's one of your many qualities that I hope never goes away.


I love you so much, boo boo.


I encourage you to head over to my lovely friend Gwen’s blog to read her letter to her children.

\10 on 10\ February

10 on 10, cabin style... we were up there to celebrate my husband's birthday, so I thought I'd do a little day in the life of a winter cabin weekend. \1\ Just a wee bit chilly... CabinTripFeb2014-6forMBB

\2\ Pretend menu reading CabinTripFeb2014-18-EditforMBB

\3\ These two are pretty cute CabinTripFeb2014-19-EditforMBB

\4\ Frozen stream CabinTripFeb2014-38forMBB

\5\ Rollin' in the snow CabinTripFeb2014-65forMBB

\6\ While the kids are napping... CabinTripFeb2014-94forMBB

\7\ It was all I could do to not eat these cheeks CabinTripFeb2014-79-EditforMBB

\8\ Dusk CabinTripFeb2014-106forMBB

\9\ Make a wish CabinTripFeb2014-117forMBB

\10\ "Oh Lord Jesus, it's a fire" CabinTripFeb2014-132forMBB

I’m joined in this project by a group of amazing photographers… head on over to Jessica’s blog to see a day in her life, then continue around the circle until you end up back here!

\Letters to My Children 2014\ January

I’m continuing my "Letters" project this year with a new group of my very dearest photography friends. Each month I’ll write a letter to one of my babies.  This month it's Jonah's turn… 2014-01-30_0001MySweetJonahOh my baby boy, what a rough month it's been for you! At only 3 months old, you had surgery to repair the hernia you were born with, and then a couple of weeks later you caught your first real sickness from your big sister. All that, on top of starting daycare, and yet you've handled it all with your usual ease and sweetness.


I'm so glad you're feeling better, and crossing my fingers that the worst is behind us. I feel like we lost a whole month and I'm ready for life to slow down a little so I can get back to savoring all your sweet goodness. It sounds so cliche, but you really are growing so fast! There's so much I want to remember... all your little chunky bits, those cheeks, your huge blue eyes, the way your head smells like pure heaven.



I know I can't pause time, but I can take a zillion photos of you, and that's almost the same thing. I've also made a promise to myself to take photos with you, so here are a couple more... I hope one day you can look back on these and see how very much I love you.




I encourage you to head over to my friend Ashleigh’s blog to read her beautiful letter to her daughter.

\10 on 10\ January

I'm so happy to be kicking off the year with a new photography project - 10 on 10. On the 10th of every month I'll be sharing 10 photos taken on a single day in the life of our family. This month, I decided to document the day of Jonah's surgery. It was a day I'd been dreading since we first found out he needed surgery, and I figured a little photo therapy would be a nice distraction. \1\ Early - and very cold - drive to Children's Hospital 10on10_January-1forMBB

\2\ Our tiny little patient 10on10_January-9forMBB

\3\ This was the hardest part for me... right before he went back. He was starving and miserable and all I wanted to do was take him and run the other direction. Instead I had to hand him over to strangers and trust he was in good hands. 10on10_January-8forMBB

\4\ Coming out of the anesthesia... the surgery was a success and he did great! 10on10_January-13forMBB

\5\ Tummy full, time to sleep 10on10_January-21forMBB

\6\ Family nap time 10on10_January-20forMBB

\7\ No more hernia 10on10_January-23-EditforMBB

\8\ Hanging with daddy 10on10_January-26forMBB

\9\ Getting back to his smiley self 10on10_January-32forMBB

\10\ I think I needed this as much as he did 10on10_January-51-Edit-2forMBB

I'm joined in this project by a group of amazing photographers... head on over to Catherine's blog to see a day in her life, then continue around the circle until you end up back here!

Letters to My Daughter: December

dec172013-11-EditforMBB dearemmaWell, my little love, I can't believe this is my last letter for this project.  It has been a year full of changes for you! This was you a year ago in my very first letter: LTODjan-7forMBB You were still such a baby then, and now you are - without a doubt - a little girl. A year later, and you've weaned, potty trained, turned 2, got a big girl bed, become a big sister, and started at a new school. Some of those changes were easier than others, each one shaping this little person you're becoming - a person I am so insanely crazy about.

dec172013-12-EditforMBB You blow me away every day with how smart, funny, and independent you are. "I can do it myself!" is something we hear several times a day, and you even requested a ladder for Christmas so that you could reach all the things you can't currently get to. (Sorry kiddo, not going to happen.) If there's one thing I know for sure about you, it's that you will walk through this world in your own way and in your own time. And when that's not driving me bananas, I find it immensely inspiring.

dec172013-13-EditforMBB I can't imagine how much more you're going to change in the coming year, but I'm so glad I get to be along for the ride. I'm especially looking forward to seeing you grow in your role as a big sister... you've started having little conversations with your brother, and you're so anxious to share your toys with him. Trust me, he'll be crawling after you in no time.

dec172013-28-EditforMBB I know I've said it in all of these letters, but I sure hope you know how very much I love you. I feel like I won the kid lottery with you and Jonah. Here's to another year of laughter, love, and lots and lots of hugs and moochies.

lovemama I am joined in this “Letters to our Children” blog circle by an amazing group of photographers and moms. Together, we’ve been writing these letters every month in honor of our love for our sons and daughters. I encourage you to head over to my dear friend Kristy’s blog to read her letter, and then continue on around the circle!

PS... While I'm sad this project has come to an end, I'm very excited to start a new project in 2014 called 10 on 10, which be like a monthly "day in the life" of our little family. Look for the first post in a few weeks!

Letters To My Daughter: November

2013-11-20_0001 dearemma

Oh, my sweet girl... it's been a difficult month so far. After months of debate, your daddy and I finally decided to move you to a different Montessori school. It's a great school, and much more in line with what we want and expect for your care and education (which we take very seriously!) We know that you'll love it in time, but in the short term the change has been really tough for you.


You've been acting out a lot and daddy and I haven't always reacted with the love and patience we know you need right now. Parents make mistakes, too, but I promise we're trying and we're going to try harder. We'll all get through this rough patch and things will go back to feeling happy and predictable.





Hang in there, buddy... you'll make new friends at school and things will start to feel more comfortable for you there. Until then, daddy and I will support you as best we can. We love you soooooo much, no matter what, and we're so immensely proud of the little girl you're becoming and what a fantastic big sister you are.


I am joined in this “Letters to our Children” blog circle by an amazing group of photographers and moms. Together, we’ll be writing these letters every month in honor of our love for our sons and daughters. I encourage you to head over to my sweet friend Carrie's blog to read her letter to her daughter.

{Branding} Heather Meyer Photography

We've all found ourselves in this position - we don't quite know exactly what we want, we'll just know it when we see it. That's where my friend Heather of Heather Meyer Photography had been with her branding for the past couple years. She'd tried out a few pre-made logos but was never 100% happy with them, so when she was getting ready to launch her business she knew it was time for something custom made just for her. She wanted her branding to feel whimsical, emotional, and intimate, and what we came up with - well, I'm kind of obsessed with it... HeatherMeyer_BrandSheet_090813

Thanks for trusting me with your branding, Heather! You were awesome to work with and I can't wait to see your business take off!

{Custom ProPhoto Site} Kristy Dooley Photography

I'm so excited to share my latest design venture with you - the custom ProPhoto site I created for my good friend Kristy of Kristy Dooley Photography. I've been wanting to work with the ProPhoto platform for a long time now, so when Kristy decided it was time to upgrade her Blogger site to something more professional, I was thrilled that she turned to me for help. The first step was to update her existing branding to incorporate a slightly different color palette, then I started developing her custom web elements and site layout...

KD_brandsheetFINALKristy's landing page features a rotating masthead gallery, Featured Galleries, her Latest Blog Post, and custom buttons that link to her most important pages and Facebook.

I think the most fun part for me was creating a custom About page for Kristy... one of the trickiest (but most important) aspects of branding is to ensure that when potential clients visit your site their reaction is "this is someone I want to work with." So Kristy's About page was critical... our goal was to capture her fun, easy going personality in a visually appealing, not too text-heavy way.



In need of a custom ProPhoto site to showcase your photography? Contact me! I'm now offering packages that include ProPhoto design and full implementation, and I'd love to work with you.

Letters to My Daughter: October

WelcomeJonah-15forMBB dearemma

Your brother arrived a couple of weeks ago and you, my sweet girl, are an AWESOME big sister. I was so worried about how you would react to him, and from the moment you saw him you have been head over heels in love with him. You've been incredibly sweet and gentle, and love playing mama's little helper when it comes to taking care of him.



I really didn't think it was possible to love you any more, but seeing you as a big sister has only solidified for me how insanely wonderful you are - and how lucky I am that I get to be your mama.


I am joined in this “Letters to our Children” blog circle by an amazing group of photographers and moms. Together, we’ll be writing these letters every month in honor of our love for our sons and daughters. I encourage you to head over to Bobbi-Jo’s blog to read her letter to her son.