/Letters to My Children/ December

Dear Emma and Jonah, What a fun-filled month we've had! Christmas prep, Mommy & Me Princess Tea Party, cookie making... all capped off with an awesome Christmas. I saw something a few weeks ago that said people always say the best feeling in the world is being a little kid at Christmas, but really the best feeling in the world is being the parent of a little kid at Christmas, and that couldn't be more true. Getting to experience the holidays through your eyes and seeing you love our family traditions as much as Daddy and I do filled me with more joy than I can adequately describe.

We kicked off Christmas Eve morning with a new tradition - Christmas donuts! Emma, you of course had your usual pink frosted with rainbow sprinkles, and Jonah had fruit because donuts don't exactly make for healthy baby food... so maybe one of those traditions that was better in theory. ;)


Next we had our annual bowling trip, and everyone had a great time. Jonah, you weren't quite big enough to roll the balls but you had a blast running around the bowling alley while Daddy and I chased after you to ensure you didn't stick carpet food in your mouth. 2014-12-28_0002

The next morning it was time for the Big Show! Emma, you were so excited to see that Santa and his reindeer had eaten your cookies and carrots and even left you a little thank you note. Jonah, in true fashion, you were far more concerned with your blueberries than with opening presents but eventually got on board. 2014-12-28_0003 2014-12-28_0004 2014-12-28_0005

After a great morning just the 4 of us, it was time to head off to the grandparents' houses! First up was Papa's house, where you guys loved his train and got even more wonderful new toys.2014-12-28_0006

Then we went to Nana's for more Christmas fun and the final batch of presents! We had a wonderful dinner together followed by some super yummy cake. 2014-12-28_0007 2014-12-28_0008

The next day was of course spent playing with your new toys. Emma, you started to get the hang of your new big girl bike and continued your obsession with the Jack-in-the-box, while Jonah strutted around the neighborhood in his baby Carhartts.2014-12-28_0009 2014-12-28_0010 2014-12-28_0011

All-in-all it was another great Christmas, the best part of which was spending time together as a family... without a doubt the greatest gift of all.

