{Branding} Heather Meyer Photography

We've all found ourselves in this position - we don't quite know exactly what we want, we'll just know it when we see it. That's where my friend Heather of Heather Meyer Photography had been with her branding for the past couple years. She'd tried out a few pre-made logos but was never 100% happy with them, so when she was getting ready to launch her business she knew it was time for something custom made just for her. She wanted her branding to feel whimsical, emotional, and intimate, and what we came up with - well, I'm kind of obsessed with it... HeatherMeyer_BrandSheet_090813

Thanks for trusting me with your branding, Heather! You were awesome to work with and I can't wait to see your business take off!

Recent Branding Work

Sorry it's taken me so long to share these with you! Life has been busy, busy, busy, but I'm thrilled to finally show you three new brands I've developed over the past few months. My design clients are nothing short of awesome and each one brings an exciting new challenge... First up is the super talented Emily Blackmore out Edmonton, Alberta. Emily came to me for help with the branding for the boudoir side of her photography business, Muse Boudoir. I absolutely love her take on boudoir - natural, feminine, and incredibly tasteful... it feels like it's as much for the women as it is for their husbands. Her goal for her brand was to create something that reflects that style, but also adds a little glamour and luxury. I love what we came up with...


Next up was Allison of Allison Fay Photography, based in Memphis, TN. Allison and I know each other through Clickin Moms and I was thrilled when she asked me to help her with her branding because I love her work. I was even more thrilled when I saw her Pinterest inspiration board because her design style was right up my alley. She wanted her brand to be preppy with a slight vintage industrial feel. There were so many little touches that made this branding feel unique and personal - particularly the custom silhouette of her sweet dog, Phoebe.


And last, but certainly not least, is the branding I did for my dear friend, Renee, of Life by Renee Photography, based in Brisbane, Queensland. Renee wanted her branding to be a reflection of herself - bright, fun, and cheeky. She made my job super easy and it was probably the fastest branding has ever come together for a client. It all just worked, and I love love love what we ended up with...


Lots more design work to share with you this fall, including maybe my favorite logo to date and my very first custom ProPhoto site. So excited to be able to start offering that for my clients! Stay tuned...


You may remember me mentioning that one of my goals for 2013 was to rebrand Made by Bird. Well, as you can see, I can cross that goal off my list! And I'm so thrilled with the result. It feels like me, but grown up. (Which, considering I'm 31, a wife, and a mom, I guess I kind of am.) The feather is a nod to my lifelong nickname, Bird, and the font is just the right combination of pretty and whimsical. (Check out more of the design elements below.) I really struggled with whether or not to keep the name "Made by Bird"... it's been my blog name for nearly 4 years! But with all my photography and design stuff being associated with my actual name, and my keen opposition to having two separate websites, I felt it was time to switch everything over to simply "Allie Shellaway." But don't worry, I'll still be posting about all the same stuff. The mood and tone of the blog won't change. (Note that I will be changing to URL over to madebybird.com next week... it's a whole other ball of wax and I just haven't had time to tackle it yet.)

So, I really hope you guys like the redesign. I have a few more tweaks I need to make to the blog - like a proper footer with a search bar. I upgraded to Thesis 2.0 (from 1.8) for the redesign and I'm still figuring out my way around. Fun fact, everything I know about web design I've learned on the fly. It's a little chaotic but it gets the job done.

Thanks for your continued support over the years (I think this is my 3rd or so redesign of the site, but certainly the biggest change so far.) There'd be no point to any of this without you. Seriously.
