our must have products for daycare

Time for another "products that keep us sane" list! I posted a while back about the products we couldn't have lived without during Emma's first 6 months, and thought I should do the same for the stuff that makes daycare life a whole lot easier. Emma's been in daycare since she was 3 months old (do not get me started on how ridiculously inadequate the maternity leave is in this country) and while we had absolutely no clue what we'd need on day 1, we're starting to feel like old pros these days. Oh, who am I kidding? We are absolutely still making it up as we go along, but either way - here's some stuff that has gotten us through...

1.  Lands' End Zip Top Tote (Medium) - I got the idea for using this as a daycare bag when I saw one of the other moms in Emma's daycare class using it. I thought it was classic and durable, and I loved that I could get her name embroidered on it. What I didn't realize until it arrived was that it has these great interior pockets that perfectly hold 4 bottles (Emma takes 3-4 during the day). I love it so much I got one for my nephew, too.

2.  Dr. Brown's bottles - I know that bottles are one of those products where everyone has to find their favorite, but I really love our Dr. Browns. Emma has a pretty sensitive tummy and these are apparently the best at preventing gas. Almost more important than that is that the narrow neck threads perfectly into my pump attachments (I use a Medela pump), which means WAY less stuff I have to wash. I can just pump directly into her bottles. Also, the little tiny brushes that come with them are perfect for cleaning pump parts. Emma's happy. I'm happy. Everybody wins.

3.  Munchkin Fresh Food Freezer Cups - I love these little cups for Emma's purees. They're perfect for freezing and they wash up easily. She's switching over to mostly finger foods now, and I'll be sad to see these cute cups get retired.

4.  Waterproof name labels - This was one of those items it didn't occur to us we'd need until Emma started daycare. It turns out they're kind of important. We've used Name Bubbles and Oliver's Labels and have been happy with both. I wanted plain labels with just her name (no tiaras, frogs, soccer balls, etc.) and both companies offered customizable options.

5.  Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Brush - This brush gets mixed reviews on Amazon, but we've been happy with it. It's held up well over 6 months, though the bottom brush insert comes loose now. I think the reason that no bottle brush gets stellar ratings is because they're all inevitably going to crap out due to such frequent use.

6.  Rubber dish gloves - I can't believe how long it took me to remember this handy little invention. I suffered through months of dry, cracked, itchy skin on my hands from all the bottle washing. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to protect my hands while I washed bottles? Duh. Rubber dish gloves. I almost like washing bottles now. Almost.

7.  Pumping bra - If you're pumping, you need a pumping bra. Hands-free, double pumping. Such a lifesaver.

8.  Hooded rain jacket - This one may seem a little odd, but trust me - between the car seat, daycare bag, purse, laptop bag, pump bag/cooler, there are no hands left to hold an umbrella. And it will rain. And if you actually managed to get your hair done and put on some makeup before leaving the house, it would really suck to have it all ruined before you even get to work. My raincoat has saved me (and my hair) time and time again.

9.  Extras of everything - Clothes (particularly easy-wear cotton clothes), socks, wipes, sleep sacks, sheets, loveys, pacifiers, sippy cups, etc. etc. etc. There's nothing that your baby uses day in and day out that he or she won't need at least one more of for daycare. Get lots of the basics. Particularly socks. Daycare is where all your favorite little Trumpette socks go to die.

Do/did you have a kiddo in daycare? What products made life easier for you?

link love - 3.29.12

It's Friday! What do you have planned this weekend? We're making our first excursion to the Portland Children's Museum, and hoping to get some laid-back family time after what's been yet another hectic week.

Here are some of the things that caught my eye this week... have a wonderful weekend!

{life & family} This is my motto for motherhood.

{food} These are making my mouth water.

{DIY} Check out this completely amazing neon bridal shower from my gals Sarah and Selina

{sewing} Need to make these for Emma

{shopping} These stacking initial rings from Fruition Jewelry... I'd get J, A, and E :)

{laughter} Accidental Chinese Hipsters just might be my favorite Tumblr ever.

revisiting Emma's birth story

At 9 months old, Emma has officially been out longer than she was in. This milestone has had me thinking a lot about my pregnancy and her birth, so I went back and read her birth story the other day, only to find myself disappointed with what I had written. Or more, what I hadn't written. Which is funny because that was a loooong post. But it read very technical to me... like I went into labor, and it hurt, and then I was in labor some more, and then hours passed and days, and then, and then, and then... what was missing was what I was thinking and feeling during those 63 hours. I think at the time I wrote it I was still very caught up in how it all went down... I felt this great responsibility to document every step of the process, and in doing so failed to capture the emotion of it all. So, here's take 2... the version I want to read when I think about that day, and the version I hope to someday share with Emma...

Oh my god. That's the first thought I had when I found out I was pregnant. We had been trying for months, though it felt like years at that point, and I was in disbelief at what I saw. Two lines. Two lines! As my eyes welled up with tears, I rushed downstairs to tell Jared... We're going to have a baby. What? It's positive? Yes! It's positive. Holy crap! We hugged, we kissed, we cried. Then the anxiety hit me. And there it stayed for most of my 1st trimester. What if it was a false positive? What if these cramps aren't just growing pains? Is that spotting? If there's one good thing about morning sickness (or 8 to 3 sickness, in my case) it's that it's a nice little daily reminder that you are, in fact, definitely still pregnant. Even so, I tried not to get my hopes up until I hit my 2nd trimester. I didn't buy anything for the baby, I didn't start planning the nursery. And then we saw her.

She was just an it at that point... but she was perfect. And more importantly, she and I were both healthy as could be. I could breathe. It was right around that time I stopped getting sick, and got some of my energy back. I was finally feeling well enough to start being that hip mama-to-be I'd imagined I'd be before morning sickness knocked me on my butt for 2 months. I started going to prenatal yoga, laughing with other pregnant women about our aches, pains, and strange bodily functions. I retired the last of my normal jeans and bras. I started rubbing my growing belly all day every day. I was pregnant, and I reveled in it.

It was around that time that I dove head first into the world of natural birth, and dragged Jared along with me. When I first got pregnant I thought Well, maybe I'll try for a natural birth and just see what happens once I'm in it. But I'm so not a "see what happens" kind of person. That initial thought quickly turned into switching from an OB to a midwife, and before I knew it we were sitting in weekly hypnobirthing classes visualizing opening up like a flower and watching videos of hippy women seemingly enjoying labor and delivery. The more we learned, the more we believed that natural birth would be the safest and gentlest way to bring our baby into the world... it was to be the most important physical endeavor of my life and I was training my little heart out.

As my due date approached I grew increasingly uncomfortable. I loved being pregnant, but I was getting more than a little anxious to get this show on the road. I was ready. Well, as ready as I could be. And I felt strong. I felt more connected to my body than I ever had before and I had the blissful confidence of someone who had no idea what she was in for. Jared and I filled those long days of waiting by going out to dinner, seeing some live music, and basically doing all the things people told us we wouldn't have time for anymore once our baby was born. They couldn't have been more right.

The night after Emma was due, I went into labor. We were sitting on the couch watching TV and I started having contractions that just felt different. Before I went into labor I longed to know what those contractions would feel like. How would I know when it was really time? All I can say is that I just knew. They were a little stronger than Braxton Hicks, a little more real. They eased on and gloriously off, making them feel manageable. I sat there secretly timing my contractions, not wanting to get Jared all excited if this was just false labor. After a half an hour or so I decided to pipe up. So... I think I'm in labor.

My contractions were strong, but infrequent. At 10 minutes apart it looked like this was going to take a while, so we decided to try to get some sleep. I knew I wouldn't really be able to sleep. Aside from the pain and pressure, my baby was coming. How could I sleep? Neither of us really slept that night, and by morning my contractions were 7 minutes apart. I figured I'd have a light breakfast, hang out for a couple of hours, and be ready to head to the hospital. This was happening. My baby was going to be born today. But shortly after breakfast my labor stalled. I was disappointed, but I knew this was common with first babies and tried to just carry on with my day and wait for labor to pick back up. We walked. I watched bad daytime tv. We ate. I had a contraction every half an hour or so. We walked some more.

Labor finally picked up again that night, this time more intense than before, especially in my lower back. Alright, now this is really happening. 10 minutes apart again. It was late. After not sleeping the night before we were so tired. We tried to sleep again. We failed again. The contractions were so intense but not getting any closer. I was exhausted and frustrated. Come on already, baby!

Morning arrived and my contractions were still 7-10 minutes apart, still intense, still shooting through my lower back. Another call to the midwife, and a new theory that our baby was posterior - meaning she was head down, but facing my tummy instead of my back. Super. Apparently when this happens the body will stall the labor to try to give the baby time to turn. We learned a variety of tricks and positions to try to encourage her to turn, but nothing was feeling like it was making a difference and my contractions were getting stronger but not closer. Nighttime rolled around and I'd now been in labor for 2 days. Any hope I had of today being the day was quickly waning. The midwife on call instructed me to do whatever I needed to do to get some sleep. She told me to try Benadryl and a bath, and if that didn't work to come into the hospital and they'd give me some morphine to knock me out. I went to lay down after I got out of the bath, and of course, not five minutes later my contractions finally started to pick up. Well, if I'm not going to get some sleep I guess I'll go have this baby. We made the call to go to the hospital. Either I was going to have the baby, or I was going to get some drugs so I could sleep.

We got to admitting, where I proudly refused the wheelchair. I remember thinking, I may have been in labor for the past 2 days, but I am not crippled. Gee, I wonder where this baby was getting her stubbornness from. We sat in triage for what felt like forever while they hooked me up to the monitor and measured my contractions. All I wanted was for them to tell me this was really happening, admit me, and get me to my room - the room where we would finally meet our baby. Something about my calm demeanor had the triage nurse thinking I wasn't very far along, and she made it clear she thought we were wasting her time. We didn't care for her very much. Finally a midwife came down to examine me. The moment of truth... She asked me how dilated I wanted to be, to which I responded, More than 1… please just let it be more than 1. She replied, How about more than 5? I was 6-7 centimeters and I could have kissed her. I was so relieved to know that I'd actually been making progress the past 2 days. I heard the triage nurse mutter under her breath that I wasn't acting like I was 6-7 centimeters dilated. Yes, that's because I am strong, and brave, and I don't feel the need to make a big dramatic production out of each contraction no matter how intense they are. That, or I'm just very very tired.

We checked into our room and they started prepping the birthing tub. Jared and I walked the halls while we waited. I wanted nothing more than to get into that warm water. But sadly, my nice peaceful water birth wasn't meant to be. Being in the tub was slowing my labor, and no amount of pain relief was worth dragging this thing out any longer. So we went back to walking the halls.

The hours passed so slowly. Each contraction was more intense than the last, each one requiring Jared to press even harder on my lower back as I breathed through it. I was making progress but it was so slow. Around 7am I called my sister. I couldn't even get a full sentence out. I heard her voice and I lost it. Tears were falling. I can't do it. I'm so tired. I'm trying so hard to be strong, but it's too hard. Her encouragement and support in that moment meant more than I can ever say. I gathered myself together, and Jared and I had a heart to heart about our options. My midwife was starting to get very concerned about my exhaustion... would I have any energy left to push after 3 sleepless nights? But I'd come so far. As a last ditch effort to move things along, Jared and I agreed to let them break my water. Please let this work. I know I said I'd be okay with getting drugs if there was no alternative but I'm too proud for my own good I really really don't want them. I felt an almost immediate difference. My contractions had become all consuming, but closer together. About 20 minutes after they broke my water I started feeling the urge to push. This was it.

I'd heard that for many women the pushing was easier than labor. Not. Even. Close. I don't know if it was because I was more exhausted than I'd been in my entire life, or because our baby still hadn't turned fully anterior. But pushing was hard. Without a doubt the most intensely challenging and painful experience of my life. But it was good pain. It was miraculous pain. It was pain that was giving life. I pushed for over an hour. I kept looking at Jared feeling like I was letting him down. He'd been more than I could have ever asked for. I could tell it was nearly unbearable for him to watch me in so much pain, and I wanted so desperately to relieve him of that. But I don't want to push anymore. I can't. I have nothing left to give. Somehow with each contraction I went deeper inside myself and mustered the strength to push longer and harder than I thought I was capable of. Finally, our baby was crowning. They told me to reach down and feel her head. I couldn't. If I stop now I won't be able to keep going. I just want to keep going. A few more pushes and her head was out. And then her body. They laid her on my chest and time stopped. Hello, my love. She was a wonder. We took in every tiny wrinkly inch of her. Our Emma Rose. I remember being so surprised at her full head of dark hair. She was so uniquely her, and she really was perfect.

We held her in disbelief that she was finally here... that after 9 months and a seemingly endless labor, we were a family. I looked at my husband holding his daughter for the first time... filled with more love than I ever imagined possible. It had all been so worth it.

chin up, buttercup

It's official. You guys are awesome. I threw out a whole big batch of negativity yesterday and you sent back more encouragement, support, and laughter than this whiny gal really deserved. Here are a few of my favorites...

"Time for baby #2?" - from my cousin Wendy. I laughed so hard I almost snorted.

This ecard from my friend, Rachael:

And this lovely little stress-releasing routine from Helen, which I did this morning and really liked. It's a little out there, but I desperately need to make sure I'm carving out a little time for myself every day - even if it's just 5 minutes - and the routine was a great excuse to do just that.

Doing that routine actually reminded me that I have a whole library of self-hypnosis and relaxation routines on my iPod from my daily hypnobirthing practice that I should really revisit. My absolute favorite was this one called The Handkerchief... You visualize a large scarf and put everything that's stressing you out into the scarf. When I was in the final weeks of my pregnancy I loaded that bad boy up with everything from the pain in my lower back, to the tumbleweeds of dog hair on my floors, to crazy politicians. You then visualize tying up the scarf and hanging it on a wall. Everything that was causing you stress is now neatly tucked away and off your mind. It sounds kooky but it really worked for me. I can think of a whole mess of things I'll be putting in that scarf before bed tonight! If you're having your own bad week, I recommend trying it out... Here's a link to listen to or download the exercise. It's provided for pregnant women but would work for anyone looking to ease their mind a bit. Plus the woman who guides you through it is British and that's always fun.

Thanks again to everyone who reached out to me yesterday. You made me feel a million times better. :-)

welcome to my pity party

I'm stressed. Like biting my fingernails way too much, losing sleep kind of stressed. I'm stressed because I've been working a ton. Because I've resorted to blogging while pumping. Because I'm pumping in a cold concrete bank vault (my office is in an old bank building). Because this flimsy plastic chair is hurting my tush. Because I'm pumping less than my daughter needs. Because she's been a total crank pot and crappy sleeper the past few days and we can't figure out why. Because she's growing up too fast. Because I'm exhausted. Because there ain't nuthin glamorous about being a working mama. Because I hate uncertainty and life feels like one big ball of it these days. Because I'm bitter about things I shouldn't be. Because I'm bitter at all. Because there's never enough time. Because I miss my family and friends. Because I haven't hugged my mom in almost 4 months. Because sometimes even 30 year olds just need their moms. (Even if their moms aren't come cry on my shoulder types.) Because my best friend hasn't met my baby yet. Because life is nothing like we thought it would be when we were drinking wine straight from the bottle on a London rooftop 10 years ago. Because that was 10 years ago. Because I need to get over it. Because this should be a post about all the things I have to be happy about but it's not. Because I'm grumpy.

But tomorrow is another day, and even Jessi Spano eventually got it together.  So there's hope. And until then there's wine. And Emma's laugh. And dairy-free congo bars. And Jared's arms. And marshmallows. And my sister's reassuring texts. And wine...

{craft the catalog} West Elm Shadow Fossil Leaf Pillow Covers

I immediately fell in love with these pillows when I saw them in the West Elm catalog. They seemed so unique and I love the go-with-anything grays. But I have a hard time spending a lot of money on throw pillows, so I got to wondering if I could DIY something similar using a fake fern as a stencil. The result? Well, see for yourself...

I love them! And I hope you do, too. Plus, hello... less than half the cost! Here's what you'll need to recreate the look.


  • 1 1/2 yds fabric (heavy weight cotton)
  • 2 shades of gray paint (I used Folk Art Steel Gray and Medium Gray)
  • 2 fake ferns (I got mine in a bunch from Michaels)
  • 18x18 pillow insert
  • 12x16 pillow insert

Start by cutting your fabric... you'll need:

  • 1 piece that's 18.5x18.5
  • 2 pieces that are 18.5x12.25
  • 1 piece that's 12.5x16.5
  • 2 pieces that are 12.5x11.25
Then lay out some trash bags to protect whatever you're working on, and paint your first fern the lighter shade of gray. You can use whatever you want to paint the fern... I found a foam brush worked pretty well. Try to get good coverage with your paint, and make sure to get the stem.

Then stamp the 18.5x18.5 and 12.5x16.5 pieces of fabric. Press firmly, but don't worry about any imperfections. This isn't supposed to look perfect.

Wait a few minutes (not several, just a few... if the paint dries on the fern it will peel off when you go to re-stamp) and re-stamp over what you just did with the same paint color. I found that double stamping made it look much better. Again, try to line it up but it doesn't have to be perfect. Then repeat with your darker paint color. The West Elm pillows have the darker gray layered over the lighter gray, but I tried that and it just looked like I screwed up. So this was my alternative.

Let the fabric dry overnight, then heatset with a dry iron. Use your other fabric pieces to sew a basic envelope pillow. I won't bore you with a tutorial since there are already several good ones online. I particularly like this one.

Here's how they look in their final resting place... our bedroom!

Let me know if you have any questions about the tutorial! I hope you guys are liking these DIYs. I have one more planned out for now and am looking for more, so let me know if you see anything you think is ripe for knocking off. :-)

{made for dinner} Beef and Guinness Stew


Given that it was St. Patrick's Day this weekend, we thought it fitting to make some Irish stew. Jared started making this several years ago after a trip to Ireland (one of many places one of us has been without the other that we want to go back to together). And this stew is stick to your bones wintery goodness. Perfect for the sun/rain/snow/hail all in the same day that is March in Portland... It's hearty, the meat is so tender, and the Guinness adds just the right amount of flavor. It's probably more of a weekend recipe, considering the time (but I promise it's worth it).

Slow Cooker Beef and Guinness Stew


  • 3 lbs boneless beef chuck, trimmed, cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 large (14 ounces) yellow onion, coarsely chopped
  • 1 can (14.0 ounces) Guinness Draught beer or 1 3/4 cups Guinness Extra Stout
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 can (14.5 ounces) beef broth
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 small sprigs fresh thyme or 1/4 tsp dried
  • 1 lb small red boiling potatoes, halved
  • 3 carrots, peeled, cut into 1-inch chunks

Pat the beef dry with paper towels. Combine the flour, salt and pepper in a shallow dish. Add the beef, toss to coat well with the flour. Reserve the remaining seasoned flour for later.

Heat the oil in a large non-stick skillet. Add the beef in batches in a single, uncrowded layer. Cook, turning, until browned on all sides, about 10 minutes per batch. Transfer to a slow-cooker. Add the onion to the skillet; cook until golden, about five minutes. Add the Guinness and garlic; boil one minute, scraping up the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add the mixture to the slow-cooker.

Add the broth, parsley, bay and thyme to the slow-cooker. Cover; cook on low until meat is almost tender, two-and-a-half to three hours. Sprinkle in the reserved seasoned flour; stir. Add potatoes and carrots. Cover, cook on high until tender, about one hour. Taste pan juices, adjust seasonings.


(PS. One of the great joys as a parent is being able to dress your kid up in holiday appropriate attire. Yeah. Take that all my friends who posted on Facebook about their drunken, fancy-free St. Paddy's Day! Cute baby trumps your hangover any day. At least that's what I tell myself. Anyway, this might be my favorite so far...)

Hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day!! :-)

link love - 3.16.12

I'm alive! So sorry for the lack of blogging this week. We've been in teething hell and I've been super swamped at work. Having to take work home with me at night means blogging has to get bumped if I want to spend any time with my family (which I do, because they're awesome.) But I'll be back in full force next week with lots of new stuff, including my next Craft the Catalog feature! Until then, here's some stuff that caught my eye this week...

  • The Reflections Photo Series by Tom Hussey - If you only follow one of these links today, make it this one. This series struck me so deeply, I must have cycled through it 3 or 4 times. Even at 30, I often see myself in the mirror as I once was... the little girl with the mess of tangled curls, the insecure teenager, the pre-baby body. What will I see when I'm 60, 70, 80? What does my mother see now?


  • Chalkboard Contact Paper on Restored Style - Chalkboard paint has become so popular, but what if you have a rental or don't want to commit to painting your pricey custom cabinets? Well Kirsten's got you covered (quite literally) with this genius tutorial for using chalkboard contact paper!


  • How to Make Your Own Freezer Wraps on The Kitchn - My husband loooves frozen burritos. They're his default food. So when I saw this I got very excited... now Jared can make his own (preservative-free) frozen burritos. This might change his life.


Have a great weekend everyone! :-)  (PS... GO STATE!!!)

if you can't laugh at yourself...


We interrupt your regularly scheduled Link Love post to bring you... this...

I don't really know what to say about this. Or even why I'm posting it. Maybe it's because I've had a crazy crappy week, or because I was up working until 11pm, or because the sun is shining and it's March. In Portland. What I do know is that this photo is amazing. And embarrassing. And ridiculous. And my husband loves it.

Have a great weekend. :-)

let's get real...


It seems like there's been a recent influx of "authenticity" posts in my Reader lately... bloggers discussing what authenticity means to them, what a typical day in their life is like, their ongoing efforts to create a genuine "internet self." It's a fascinating topic, especially when platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and personal blogs allow you to be very selective in what you share about your life, intentionally or unintentionally creating a "you" that may not be entirely accurate.

I left my hometown many years ago and didn't go to my high school reunion (it was the weekend after we got back from our honeymoon and I couldn't justify a special trip home)... I'm only still "real life" friends with a handful of people from those days. So for the vast majority of people I went to school with and for the people who follow my blog whom I've never met (P.S. I love you), the person they think I am now is the person I am online. And I got to thinking what that looked like... does it reflect reality?

Like most people, I think over time what's resulted is a slightly better version of my life. Where Facebook is concerned - I share the good stuff, occasionally vent about the bad stuff, and try to be encouraging/congratulatory/supportive/witty when a friend's status or photo calls for it. There's rarely a photo of me without make up or un-showered. There are no status updates about the 2 minute spat Jared and I had about throw pillows, or the bigger fights when we both go to bed angry. There are no check-ins at our weekly Target runs. And as for my blog, I try to share things that are interesting to me and that I hope are interesting to others... projects, recipes, personal anecdotes and reflections on my life. While I'm not exactly an open book, I try to be as open as I'm comfortable with while still protecting the things I think should remain private. My hope is that even if you're not getting the whole story, you're getting enough to know that I don't have it all together, that makeup and Photoshop are my closest allies, that every finished project has had its share of ripped seams and second guesses.

But... in case I've created the impression that my life is a bit rosier than it really is, I thought I'd share some of the not-so-pretty truths for a change:

  • I am severely intimidated by other bloggers... I often feel like everyone else is about a thousand times more original, talented, and creative than I am.
  • I let fear talk me out of doing or saying way more than I'd like to admit.
  • I haven't had a pedicure since before Emma was born, and it looks it.
  • I'm not a very good listener. I'm too quick to offer my thoughts or advice, when most of the time the person telling me something probably just needed to vent.
  • My house smells like BBQ on a fairly regular basis due to the oak my husband burns in our fireplace. We do not live in a cabin and I do not like this smell. But I love my husband and he loves his fireplace, and there you have it. (For the record, my imaginary Pinterest home of perfection smells like this.)
  • I am good or even very good at doing a lot of things, but a master of none. This has been the case my whole life. I get bored with something or distracted by a new challenge before I ever get to the mastery stage. I've learned to accept this about myself, but sometimes I get envious of people with the discipline and focus to become truly great at one thing.
  • I long ago lost the battle against Rocco's hair. It goes with us everywhere. Emma wears it to daycare. (Sorry, not trying to rhyme. I'll stop now.) There's no amount of Furminating or Dyson-ing that comes close to keeping it under control. I shudder to think what non-pet owners think when they come to our house.
  • I'm very conflicted about my post-baby body. My body will likely never be what it once was (especially with my non-existent workout routine) and some days that makes me feel strong and proud - like the extra skin and fuller hips are a badge of honor that indicates to strangers that I am a mother. I am fierce and I am capable of more than they will ever know... And other days I'm like every other girl, staring at herself in the mirror sizing up every trouble spot with a cruelly critical eye.
  • I'm terrified of uncertainty. I avoid it at all possible costs. For any given situation, I mentally prepare myself for all possible outcomes - from not being able to find the right fabric for a project, to how we're going to pay our mortgage should both Jared and I find ourselves out of work at the same time. I'm sure some would say this is unhealthy (like my husband, or a therapist) but it works for me. (Strangely, the one exception to this is when I travel - I love unstructured, unplanned travel. Figuring it out as I go along. The thrill of getting lost in a new city. Ahh, where's my suitcase?)

So there you have it... a little dose of reality for my slightly better Internet life. I'd love to know what you guys think about this... Do you think your Internet self is a realistic reflection of who you are in real life? Does it matter if it's not, or is it commonly accepted that we're probably all a little less perfect/happy/hip/funny offline?

the birthday boy


Jared's 33rd birthday was a few weeks ago, and it was one of the best days we've had as a family in a long time. We decided to take it as a vacation day, keep Emma home from daycare, and just spend the day together. Little did Jared know that I'd planned out the whole day, and filled it with his very favorite foods. I also stayed up late the night before to decorate the house. Because every 33 year old guy needs a birthday banner. (Which I made with the amazing Silhouette Cameo he gave me for Christmas. Seriously, you need to get one.)

First up on the menu was bacon (of course) and homemade strawberry Pop Tarts. The bacon was delicious, as always, but the real hit was the Pop Tarts. They were sinfully good. (Definitely a special occasion breakfast, totally inappropriate for every day.) I would normally think to make this sort of thing with puff pastry, but this recipe called for refrigerated pie crust, which worked perfectly. It's the frosting that really takes them over the edge, though. They'd be a great weekend breakfast sans frosting, but what fun would that be?

Up next was Jared's guilty pleasure - Stove Top. The man could easily eat a whole box on his own, but thankfully I didn't have to witness that this birthday. I must say, it was a little strange having stuffing on a day other than Thanksgiving, but the processed goodness that is Stove Top didn't disappoint.

That afternoon we caught the "mommy and me" showing of The Muppets at the Kennedy School, where Jared got to enjoy his all time favorite snack food: movie theater popcorn with lots of butter. The Kennedy School is great because they have couches instead of theater seats, and the couches are far enough apart that we could set a blanket down in front of us and let Emma play while we watched the movie. Everybody wins.

For dinner, I went all out and made something I'd pinned for Jared many months ago - Chicken Parmesan Casserole. Jared has his own chicken parm recipe, but this claimed to be the end of regular chicken parm as we know it, and it absolutely lived up to the hype. Trust me on this one... just make it. As long as you have taste buds and like Italian food, you will not be disappointed.

And last but not least, we had Jared's favorite cupcakes for dessert - yellow box cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. In the age of fancy cupcakes with filling and piped frosting, there's something so wonderfully simple and nostalgic about these cupcakes.

And there you have it... 33 with a bang. Okay, not a bang - but a whole lot of yummy food and hopefully a great day for my better half (truly) and the best guy I know. :-) If you're trying to figure out something to do for your significant other's birthday this year, I highly recommend the whole playing hooky eating all your favorite foods approach. Jared ended up feeling special the whole day, not just when he opened his present, which is exactly what I wanted (and what he deserved!)

link love - 3.2.12

Whew! What a week... I have nothing much to say about it except that I'm happy it's over. Oh, but we did get our Pickathon tickets this morning, which is very exciting. If you haven't heard of it, it's pretty much the best music festival on the planet... green, family friendly, and insanely good indie-roots music. 3 days filled with a bunch of really nice people listening to a bunch of really great bands. And it doesn't get much better than that for this girl. Anywho, here's what inspired me this week...

  • Big Book of Names and Faces on A Cup of Jo -  These new books from Pinhole Press are too cute. All of our family and close friends live out of state, so a book like this would be perfect for helping Emma remember who's who.

  • Tailoring Your Trousers on Cotton & Curl - I love this tutorial for converting ill fitting pants into skinnies. I'm curious how it would work with a heavier weight pant, but the instructions sure make it seem super simple to rescue all those Gap chinos from the Goodwill pile.


  • Microwave Potato Chips on The Kitchn - These have me very intrigued. I'd never heard of - or even thought of - making potato chips in the microwave. It almost seems to good to be true, but I'm certainly willing to give it a try!

I hope you all have a great weekend! I'll be spending mine hanging with our newly-standing baby, and working on my next Craft the Catalog project. This one could be awesome, or a total disaster, so cross your fingers my crazy idea actually works out!

Coconut Ice Cream with Caramel and Fudge Ribbons


As I mentioned yesterday, the pièce de résistance of our Oscar Sunday was this Coconut Ice Cream with Caramel and Fudge Ribbons. It's easily one of the best ice creams I've ever made, and almost makes the lack of dairy in my life completely bearable. Oh, that's right - those three glorious gooey scoops have absolutely zero dairy. I concocted this recipe solely for the purpose of testing the limits of dairy free-dom... could there be such a thing as a dairy free ice cream I'd crave even after my dairy free days are behind me? Well, I'm happy to say I think I've found it. Here's how to make it...

Note that you don't have to make any of this dairy free. Just use regular heavy cream and butter where noted in the sauce ingredients. For the ice cream, make a regular vanilla ice cream base, substituting half the milk with coconut milk.

You'll need to make everything separately - the caramel sauce, the hot fudge sauce, and the coconut ice cream. Yes, it's a lot of steps, but both sauce recipes make way more than you'll need for the ice cream, so you could make the ice cream 3 or 4 more times and only have to make the sauces once. Or you could just grab a spoon and eat the leftover sauce right out of the jar. I won't judge. Either way, you'll need to start by making my faux heavy cream using a couple cans of coconut milk.

Coconut milk heavy cream substitute


  • 2 cans of full fat coconut milk (I recommend Thai Kitchen brand)


Open both cans of coconut milk and spoon the coconut fat ONLY (the thick white stuff at the top) into a medium size bowl. Then, add all of the liquid from one can and half of the liquid from the other can into the bowl. Whisk until smooth. Note that this will appear much thicker than regular heavy cream. That's okay. (I tried thinner - and even thinner than that - versions and this thickness worked best.)

Dairy Free Caramel Sauce


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1¼ cups coconut milk heavy cream substitute (or regular heavy cream if not making it dairy free)
  • ¼ tsp. coarse salt
  • ½ tsp. vanilla extract


Spread the sugar in an even layer over the bottom of a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan. Place over medium-low heat, watching carefully. When the sugar begins to liquefy around the edges, use a heatproof spatula to gently stir it towards the center. Continue stirring very gently until all the sugar is melted, taking care not to over stir. Measure out the coconut milk heavy cream substitute in a liquid measuring cup and set aside. Once the caramel reaches a deep amber color, immediately remove the sauce pan from the heat. Carefully whisk in half of the coconut milk heavy cream substitute. The mixture will steam and bubble violently. Stir until the cream is well incorporated, then whisk in the remaining cream. Stir in the salt and the vanilla. If any sugar has hardened, place the saucepan over low heat and whisk until smooth.

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. If needed, it can be rewarmed in the microwave or in a saucepan over low heat.

If you're attempting this recipe, you really must read this post by David Lebovitz on making the perfect caramel. Even following his extremely helpful advice, it took me 3 tries to get the caramel just right. It's tricky, but it's so worth it.

Source: adapted from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz

Dairy Free Hot Fudge Sauce


  • 3/4 cup coconut milk heavy cream substitute (or regular heavy cream if not making it dairy free)
  • 1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar (if you don't have dark, just use light and add a teaspoon of molasses)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon dairy free butter substitute (I like Earth Balance), cut into small pieces (or use regular salted butter if not making it dairy free)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Mix the cream, brown sugar, cocoa powder, and corn syrup in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook stirring frequently, for 30 seconds.

Remove from the heat and add the chocolate and butter, stirring until melted and smooth. Stir in the vanilla. Serve warm.

(This sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Rewarm gently in the microwave or by stirring in a saucepan over very low heat)

Alright, with the special ingredients all prepped, you're ready to make the ice cream!

Coconut Ice Cream with Caramel and Hot Fudge Ribbons


  • 2 14 oz. cans of full fat coconut milk (I like Thai Kitchen)
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 6 tbsp raw honey
  • Caramel sauce
  • Hot fudge sauce
  • ice cream maker


Set up a double boiler by placing a heat proof bowl over a pot of simmering water (be sure it’s simmering and not a full rolling boil, as this will give you better control later). Add the coconut milk and vanilla extract to the bowl. Stirring fairly frequently, heat until the coconut milk is hot but not boiling.

Meanwhile, whisk the eggs well in a separate bowl. Once the coconut milk is hot, add a ladleful to the eggs while you’re whisking – you want to bring the eggs up to the temperature of the coconut milk without scrambling them. Add in another ladleful of hot coconut milk to the egg mixture while whisking. Take the now hot egg mixture and whisk it into the bowl of coconut milk on the double boiler.

Now, whisk constantly until the mixture thickens to a custard. This may take several minutes. If it’s getting too hot and starting to scramble, remove from the heat immediately but keep whisking, then return it to the double boiler. Once it has thickened to a custard, remove the bowl from the heat and let it cool.

Once the custard is cool enough for you to stick your finger in it and hold it there without burning, whisk in the raw honey. Put the custard base in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours (preferably overnight). Freeze in your ice cream machine per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Spoon a small amount of the ice cream into a large, sealable bowl. Then spread a small layer of the fudge sauce onto the ice cream. Spoon more of the ice cream into the bowl, then a layer of caramel, then more ice cream, etc. Keep going, working in layers until all of the ice cream is in the bowl. Now run a butter knife through the ice cream (I found a figure eight worked well, but use whatever motion you'd like - just make sure not to overmix!)

That's it! Okay, I know it seems like a lot of work. But, I promise it's worth it. Especially if you love ice cream but can't have dairy. And it's perfect for kids with dairy allergies who never get to enjoy fun stuff like caramel sauce and hot fudge. My heart aches for their deprived taste buds.

Please, please let me know if you make this or if you're thinking about attempting it and have any questions!

And the Oscar goes to...

As I mentioned on Friday, I looove Oscar Sunday. It's like my Super Bowl. And this year I pulled out all the stops. (Well, all the stops I had the energy to pull.) My friend Ailsa came by, and she and Jared did their best to get on board with my enthusiasm. We had Oscar inspired food, and we even played Oscar Bingo (courtesy of How About Orange), which I highly recommend if you're trying to get people to sit through all 18 hours and 37 minutes of the Oscar telecast.

Ailsa started out our afternoon with some delicious elderflower champagne cocktails, which we figured covered the whole French contingent: Midnight in Paris, The Artist, and Hugo. I loved the combination of the St. Germain and mint in these cocktails. If you have a bottle of champagne leftover from a party, this would be a great way to jazz it up.

Then it was time to scarf down delicately eat a few traditional Southern Deviled Eggs, inspired by The Help. I don't know why deviled eggs get relegated to holidays and showers. They are entirely too delicious to only be eaten a few times a year.

For dinner we made Pioneer Woman's BBQ Comfort Meatballs (or Moneyballs... hey-o!) and they were everything PW promised they would be. Like little meatloaf balls of heaven. Make these for anything - Oscars, a potluck, Saturday snacktime. They'll be a hit. Unless you're a vegetarian.

For dessert... well, for dessert I really pulled out all the stops. I made Coconut Ice Cream with Caramel and Fudge Ribbons. I wanted to call it "Descending into Decadence" for the Descendants, but Jared rolled his eyes so many times at that name I figured I'd better drop it and let the coconut be homage enough. This was my own little concoction, so I was crossing everything I had that it would be good... and it was. Oh, holy hannah, it was good. Homemade caramel sauce, homemade hot fudge sauce, it was all worth it. The whole thing was dairy free, but it doesn't have to be. I'll be posting the recipe tomorrow so be sure to check back.

I hope you all enjoyed Oscar Sunday as much as I did! :-)

{made for dinner} black bean + butternut soup


I'd been excited to try this soup ever since I saw it on Sprouted Kitchen, and it definitely didn't disappoint. I loooove butternut squash (Jared less so, but he still liked the soup) and anything with homemade tortilla strips. Plus I've been trying to incorporate more veggies into our dinners and this is chock full of healthy stuff - but not so much that it tastes like tree bark. It's sort of a healthy version of winter comfort food, and a perfect rainy weeknight dinner.


  • 1 Tbsp. coconut or extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 a small head of cabbage, chopped (heaping 2 cups)
  • 3 cups cubed butternut squash (sweet potato would be good too)
  • 3 cups low sodium vegetable broth
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder
  • pinch of chipotle powder or cayenne pepper
  • 2 cups cooked, black beans (about one can, rinsed and drained)
  • salt to taste
  • avocado, for garnish (optional)
  • cilantro, for garnish (optional)

// tortilla crispies //

  • 3 corn tortillas
  • scant 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt

In a heavy bottomed pot, warm the oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and saute until just beginning to brown, about 6-8 minutes. Add the garlic, cabbage, squash and broth. Turn the heat down to a gentle simmer, cover the pot and cook for about 15-20 minutes for the vegetables to cook. Add the spices and the beans and stir. Let everything continue to cook another ten minutes for the flavors to blend. Salt to taste. At this point, I did a few pulses with my immersion blender through the soup, because I wanted to thicken up the broth a bit. This is optional, but makes it seem a bit thicker. You could alternatively, run just a bit of the soup through a blender or food processor, and add it back in to the pot. OR a sprinkle of cornmeal will help thicken it as well.

For the tortilla crispies, preheat the oven to 375'. Stack them and slice into thin matchsticks. Spread on a baking sheet, dirzzle with the oil, sprinkle the salt and toss gently to coat. Spread them in a single layer on the baking sheet and bake for about 10-15 minutes until they are light brown and crispy, giving the pan a shake halfway through.

Garnish each both with some diced avocado, a handful of chopped cilantro and some of the tortilla crispies! (We only added the tortilla crispies, mostly out of laziness. I'm sure it's even more delicious with the extra garnishes.)

Recipe from the Sprouted Kitchen

5 years ago...

Five years ago today, we brought home this little bundle of sweetness...

It was before Jared and I even started dating. We were just really good friends, and after encouraging him to finally get a dog - despite the fact that we were working 90 hour weeks and he was still living in corporate housing - I went with him to what seemed like every shelter in the Seattle area to find the perfect pup. When we were about to give up our search, I called one last shelter out in Woodinville... they had just gotten in a litter of half Weimaraner half Australian Shepherd puppies, and we were on our way. When we got there we learned that they had named all the puppies in the litter after characters from 90210 - and we both fell head over heels for the flopsy pup climbing all over his brothers and sisters to try to get a prime sleeping spot. I was always more of a Dylan kind of girl, so it was pretty funny that the one we'd fallen for was, in fact, Dylan. We took him outside to play, where he promptly went to the bathroom, and we were sold. (That dog had zero interest in going to the bathroom outside after that for weeks!)

He was so mellow and sleepy that first day. We both remarked at how lucky Jared had gotten to have such a laid back pup. Jared decided to call him Rocco, and we spent the rest of the day relishing in his cuteness.

Well, that sweet sleepy little puppy has been a complete jerkface every day since then. He is hyper, nervous, barks at strangers and little kids. Heaven forbid someone makes the teeny tiniest noise outside - he barks as though the world was coming to an end. And if someone dares ring the doorbell? Forget it. We have spent thousands of dollars on trainers and behavioral therapists with only mild success. He's not mean, he's just anxious and not very bright, which makes for a terrible combination. In short, he is very little of what we wanted in a dog. But, he's ours. This sweet, crazy mutt is ours, and I love him to pieces...

link love - 2.23.12

Happy Friday! For a 4 day week this sure felt like a long one - lots of working mama internal conflict. Some days I have it all together, and some days I just don't. But - the weekend has finally arrived and I'm looking forward to this one. I'm getting my hair done tomorrow, aaaand I may or may not be going back to my natural color. I'm about 90% committed to doing it. If nothing else I'll get a couple of hours to do nothing but sit in a chair reading magazines while someone makes me pretty, which is a big luxury these days. Sunday I'll be watching the Oscars, and I'm very excited. I always love the Oscars... the dresses, the stars, the movies. Love it all. I even have some fun Oscar-themed food planned. I know, huge dork. Anywho, here's what I loved this week...

  • World Map on Children Inspire Design - I fell instantly in love with these "My Roots Live Here" maps. You can get it as a world map, continent, country, or state and it comes with little heart stickers to place on parent or family hometowns. This would be so sweet for a kid's room.


  • The Adulting blog - Oh my god, I love this blog. It's a hilarious take on what it means to be an adult, and how to do it effectively... I particularly love Step 156: Don't Be a Re-runner.


  • Lemon Cream Scones on One Hungry Mama - Confession: I do not like scones. They're dry and crumbly and every time I eat one I think, "I wish you were a muffin." Stacie at One Hungry Mama agrees with me, but swears these are different. I'm anxious to try them as soon as I can eat dairy again.

coconut cookies & cream ice cream

I know this combination of flavors might seem a little strange - coconut and Oreos? But I promise you, it's delicious. This is one of the best ice creams I've ever made, and easily the best dairy free ice cream I've ever made (I've only made two, but the first one was pretty bleh.) If you like coconut (or if you're a nursing mama whose baby still can't tolerate real milk and have learned to embrace coconut), you really need to try this...


  • 2 14 oz. cans of Thai Kitchen full fat coconut milk (brand matters here... I've tried other brands and they're not nearly as good)
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 6 tbsp raw honey
  • Oreos (I used about 15, but I like a lot of cookie in my cookies and cream)
  • ice cream maker


Set up a double boiler by placing a heat proof bowl over a pot of simmering water (be sure it's simmering and not a full rolling boil, as this will give you better control later). Add the coconut milk and vanilla extract to the bowl. Stirring fairly frequently, heat until the coconut milk is hot but not boiling.

Meanwhile, whisk the eggs well in a separate bowl. Once the coconut milk is hot, add a ladleful to the eggs while you're whisking - you want to bring the eggs up to the temperature of the coconut milk without scrambling them. Add in another ladleful of hot coconut milk to the egg mixture while whisking. Take the now hot egg mixture and whisk it into the bowl of coconut milk on the double boiler.

Now, whisk constantly until the mixture thickens to a custard. This may take several minutes. If it's getting too hot and starting to scramble, remove from the heat immediately but keep whisking, then return it to the double boiler. Once it has thickened to a custard, remove the bowl from the heat and let it cool.

Once the custard is cool enough for you to stick your finger in it and hold it there without burning, whisk in the raw honey. Put the custard base in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours (preferably overnight). Freeze in your ice cream machine per the manufacturer's instructions, adding in the Oreo cookie chunks once the mixture has started to freeze a bit.

Straight out of the machine this ice cream has a creamy soft serve texture. If you store it in the freezer for later, just let it sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes before eating to let it soften up a little bit.

Recipe adapted from Caveman Food

roll with the changes

When Emma became mobile a couple of months ago we knew we'd have to make some changes to our living room to give her more space to play. My goal was to be able to go from living room to play room and back again in less than 2 minutes. I knew if it took any more time or effort that our living room would become a permanent playroom and five years from now we'd be one of those desperate couples on Dear Genevieve who used to have semi-decent taste but whose house has become overrun with toys and laundry and kitchy sayings over the door like "a meal without wine... is breakfast!" Oh no. We will not be one of those couples. So, our first step was to buy a bigger rug... we opted for something relatively disposable since babies are not tidy creatures, nor is our 65 lb dog. The Havbro does the job, but I won't be sad to see it go. So now Emma had a nice big rug to play on, but we still had the issue of the coffee table. Then it hit me... what if we sawed off the legs and replaced them with casters so we could easily roll the table out of the way during play time?? I've certainly had crazier ideas, and Jared was on board so we used a circular saw to cut off the legs, and replaced them with the steel casters we ordered off of Amazon. And, voila!

And here's what it looks like during playtime...

Here's a close up of the casters...

It's working out surprisingly well for us, so far. And I actually kind of like the industrial feel the table now has. The only downside is that the casters don't lock, which is a bit concerning for her tiny fingers, and for when she gets strong enough to move the table on her own. So for now we're super careful not to let her play with the wheels (it's not like we leave her unattended anyway, so it's really not an issue). We didn't want to spend a lot on pricey casters in case the experiment was a bust, but now that we know it works we'd be willing to upgrade the casters if it becomes necessary.

If you're wondering what the coffee table looked like before, here's a shot of it in my first "big girl" apartment in Seattle... It's been through three moves since then. Hence all the scratches. :-)

So where do we hide all those toys when play time is over? They all have their own little basket that fits perfectly into the console table. And they're kept at kid height so eventually Emma can help clean up. (And she'll be able to more easily take each and every toy out of there when she decides the one at the very bottom is the one she wants to play with. But I'm choosing not to focus on that part.)

I'm certain these aren't the last of the living room changes... as Emma grows and becomes even more mobile, we'll need to do more baby proofing and likely more decluttering. But for now, operation rolling coffee table has been a great success.

free Mr. Bates!

SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched the season finale of Downton Abbey, stop reading and go watch it ASAP!

Holy crap. I don't think I've been that emotionally wrapped up in an episode of TV since the series finale of Friday Night Lights. What a roller coaster. The Bates and Anna scenes were heart-wrenching... there's something about a strong stoic man shedding a few tears that just slays me. And what the hell, Lord Grantham?? Shut your trap already. You're ruining everything. You deserve whatever evil mischief Thomas throws your way now that you've foolishly made him your valet. (Though I'm VERY relieved that Isis didn't freeze to death in that shelter... I was having a hard enough time composing myself during that episode without a dead dog thrown into the mix.)

And then there's Cousin Matthew and Lady Mary. I told Jared after the Bates' verdict that Matthew and Mary HAD to get together... they can't kill off Bates AND continue to drag out the Matthew and Mary will-they-or-won't-they saga. It's just too mean. Thankfully, Julian Fellowes took pity on my poor heart and gave us all the proposal we've been waiting for. But, really Mary? Insisting that Matthew get down on one knee and ask you properly? You're lucky he's asking at all! Not only do you NOT have to marry Sir Richard and all his douchebaggery, but you get to marry the future Earl of Grantham, an all around great guy and war hero, and someone who loves you in spite of the Mr. Pamuk debacle. Count your lucky stars, say yes, and help your former parapalegic future husband up off the ground before he hurts himself. Sheesh.

I can't believe we have to wait another year to see what unfolds at Downton. Rumor has it there will be TWO weddings next season - Matthew and Mary, but who else? Lady Edith and Anthony? Lady Edith and anyone who'll ask her?? There will also be a guest appearance by the always amazing Shirley MacLaine as Lady Cora's American mother. The scenes between her and the Dowager Countess are sure to be epic. (Btw, how tremendous was her "Do you promise?" zinger upon Sir Richard announcing they would never see each other again? Easily one of the best written and acted characters on TV.)

Those of you who watched - what did you think of the finale??